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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 20 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    Similar to the PS4 and Xbox one version dumb ass. They just upgraded to what already exists because it was running even older code.  All other versions are the same as last year, without the fifa branding. 

    again - why is fifa making an entirely new game? 


    Similar too as in features available, they didn't say it's the PS4 & Xbox versions dipshit. 


    "Unlike previous years, EA FC 24 on Nintendo Switch will be an entirely new game to its predecessor." 


    Do you know what "ENTIRELY NEW GAME"  means? :umad:

  2. 1 hour ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    It’s not a brand new game. It’s the same game without the fifa logo. 

    remember when you claimed fifa owned the game? Tell me why they’re making an entirely new game then. :umad:


    I said Fifa owned the Fifa IP dipshit. 


    And it is a brand new game. 


    "Unlike previous years, EA FC 24 on Nintendo Switch will be an entirely new game to its predecessor."  :umad:


  3. 17 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    You knew these donors?


    On 2023-04-18 at 10:23 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


    I thought QAnon were supposed to be fighting pedos and groomers. 


    The guy in the middle of the screen cap (forgot his name).  Is a huge QAnon conservative influencer, who pushed all that child trafficking sex ring conspiracy about some prominent figures.  He also pushed that teachers are groomers narrative that you yourself fell soooo hard for.. 


    Turns out he was soliciting young under age boys.   He admitted to it FYI. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Hey guys, not sure if you knew, but they are sexual predators everywhere, in every walk of life, in every job, in every part of the globe, of any age, of any race and for any political standing. 


    No shit Sherlock. 


    But as usual you miss the point. 


    The one's we are posting are the ones who make baseless accusations against others as groomers/molesters or they push a certain narrative that ALL people of a certain group are groomers etc..


    Only to find out the ones doing the baseless accusations or narratives ARE THE ONES who are actually the sickos, groomers and molesters. 


    That's the point genius. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Remij said:

    I can have it both ways chump, and there's nothing you can do about it :drake: 


    And the funny thing was you making a joke about waiting 2-3 years when Sony's PC sales figures show that absolutely nobody is waiting :sabu: 


    But your Your ass is waiting and begging for PS5 ports don't back track now :kaz:


    Touch luck chump BDG3 released 3 years ago according to you... Not a 2023 release... Whoops :umad:



  6. All it took was EA losing the fifa license







    "Unlike previous years, EA FC 24 on Nintendo Switch will be an entirely new game to its predecessor." 


    "For the first time, the Nintendo Switch version of the game will be running on the Frostbite Engine. The Nintendo Switch version will also get the full Ultimate Team experience, unlike recent FIFA entrees on the system which have largely featured a limited version of the mode."


    " According to EA, the Nintendo Switch version of the game is now similar to that of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game."


    • NPC 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Ramza said:

    Calling it sexist is being confrontational about it no matter how you look at it, you idiots. Not my fault this is the message we get from the left. Bunch of clowns having a mental breakdown over a wife who is raising her children in her house full time calling it misogyny. 


    Do you think I have a mental breakdown when I see women getting doctorate degrees and complain about it on Twitter? Take a good look in the mirror, you dumb cunts. 




    You must have missed the entire right having a mental breakdown because the first lady is Dr. Jill Biden....Bbbut  she is not a Doctor 😢... They cried and raged for over a year over the fact that she has an EHD...


    Anytime anything with her name comes up they get triggered again and start crying up a storm.. Full mental breakdown:awww:

  8. 10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    What's funny is that the same people who were crying they were being suppressed under previous twitter management are still crying that they are being censored, and shadow banned under Elon. Even people who are paying for boosted algorithmic positioning are complaining about low engagement. 


    It's almost as if all of these people never actually had anything of worth to say in the first place. Or people were always turned off to their content. 


    Shocker!!!! Time for a new Twitter files @Cooke :kaz:

  9. 1 hour ago, Remij said:

    13 now and it's 97 :mjgrin:




    PC games for some reason tend to get waaaay less coverage than console games. 


    The PS5 version will have a ton of reviews day one and I'm not even talking about fanboy sites. 


    This has been out a week and only a handful of reviews? 


    Why do PC games get less coverage?.. No bait.. Serious question.. What's your insight? 



  10. 13 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    Disagree because Switch was a migration of Nintendo's 2 markets (console and handheld) into one and also because the gaming market is also significantly bigger now.

    But PS2 also had the dvd angle which no doubt was a major factor in it's success.


    The PS2 era was significantly bigger than the 80s and 90s..yet we don't factor that to disqualify the PS2 as the best selling ever. 


    Let's look at software sales


    PS2 has 4 games that sold over 10 million units. 

    The Switch has 4 games that sold over 30 million units, 9 games that sold over 20 million and 19 that have sold over 10 million (and counting).


    When it's all said and done Switch will take the crown from PS2. 

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