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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Bro you have been saying this for months. Another 1080p series X game... eat shit clown šŸ¤”.... šŸ¤£
  2. Another Series X game that has to drop to 1080p to keep up with PS5 šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
  3. Guess it hasn't disappeared after the election like Trump and his followers claimed it would.
  4. In name only bro, like the low information clown you are you're easily duped šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ "He (Trump) remains its sole beneficiary. After he was elected, ethics experts from both parties urged Mr. Trump to put all of his assets with the potential for conflicts of interest into a blind trust. ( as all past presidents) Mr. Trump and his lawyers have cited several reasons why they did not, including that ā€œconflicts of interest laws simply do not apply to the president.ā€ He straight up cliamed conflict of interest don't apply to him and continued to do corrupt shit like
  5. You do know neither Trump nor Kushner gave up the reigns to their companies while serving in the Whitehouse right? You do know that's where the issue stems from. It's a huge conflict of interest you dolt. There is a reason that's frowned upon.
  6. Didn't you get so mad about Series X terrible launch lineup (Halo Finite delayed) that you kicked down your Xbox? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
  7. oh shocker more corruption. I'm surprised @Cooke (not admin cant help and @Twinbladearen't on top of all these corruption stories with the Trump admin. Thought you guys hated corruption of any kind?
  8. Sloooooowwww Jonny hyped that trash for a NEXT GEN LAUNCH šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ think about that for a second.... brand bew system to play the falconer and Tetris..
  9. Series X so far has launched in last place around the globe yet again šŸ¤£
  10. He talking about Hyrule Warriors which by the way is sitting at 79 @ Meta, while the falconer is at 65 šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
  11. its cute how you Lem tots defend each other šŸ¤£ Meanwhile Sloooooowwww Jonny still makes threads dedicated to men on this board
  12. Awww you love him don't you.... look at how proudly you said that like a wife when she says me and my husband šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
  13. Go make more threads about men that you're obsessed with šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
  14. Says that guy making 50 page threads dedicated to your love for Jehurey šŸ¤£ Slow Jonny wants to talk about anything except next gen games on Xbox... lmfao.
  15. let me know when I start making threads dedicated to DynamiteCop the way you make multiple threads dedicated to your man crush Jehurey šŸ¤£
  16. Look at how mad you are that Series X launch was a flop šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
  17. Look at how mad you are that Series X launch was a flop šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
  18. Hey retard the European charts aren't out as yet and PS5 has two exclusives on the UK chart. For launch that's great you dense OX. Millions of people still own Switches, PS4s, and Xbox1s. PS5 and Series X just launched and have sold a few hundred thousand in the UK. This fact that PS5 has exclusives charting means people are buying those games with their system you clown.
  19. Speaking of "no one bought it" Series X and S both launched in last place across the globe šŸ¤£
  20. Neither game vanished. MM was #4 on and Demon Souls was #16 on the UK chart for the month. (Boxed sales only). When the full European chart comes out both will obviously be higher. Both games will also be in the top 10 for NPD next week. So your "no one bought it" narrative falls flat on its face.
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