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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You've been begging. Where is the official announcement?
  2. Switch just had AAAs and AAs this year. Xbox literally went 10 out of the 11 months this year with ZERO GAMES. Switch just recently had a AAA and has two AAA games nominated for game of the year.....one of which was recently released.... When was the last time Xbox had a AAA? 🀣
  3. Bro you don't have any Xbox games to post about. The Series X impressions thread has ZERO POSTS FROM LEMMINGS ABOUT GAMES.....WEEEEEKS after a launch. and then you come on here talking about you're playing TETRIS AT LAUNCH? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Worse launch of all time.
  4. Slow Jonny losing BC as new games... lmfao. This fool playing fucking Tetris because Series X flopped 🀣
  5. So stick to your word ane demod yourself. No mod related actions from you like you claimed.
  6. Xbox launch is nothing BUT CROSS GEN PORTS, BC and Tetris. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  7. Series X is such a flop that slow Jonny is playing Tetris at launch 🀣
  8. What does that have to do with slow Jonny posting in this thread that he paid 500 to play Tetris. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  9. Scored higher than any series X exclusive 🀣
  10. Lmfao this fool paid 500 on a next gen system to play Tetris πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  11. Not only was he thinking about Jehurey on Thanksgiving he got mad that no one else was logged in with him at that time 🀣
  12. again you're proving my point 🀣 I said from jump this particular thread is a non story... there is nothing to give a pass for. Warren, Biden and Sanders are all allies and will work together. Total non story. That weak ass argument you brought was already dead and buried. Who would be a better qualified choice than Yellen for that Cabinet position? Please tell me? Simply being a progressive doesn't qualify you for a cabinet position. This isn't the Trump white house where all you had to do was be an alt right winger and that qualified you for a c
  13. Bro you continue to prove my point over and over with each post you make.. this is quite hilarious to watch πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. First off you were implying that Biden would get a pass for everything he does.... I pointed out that he wouldn't and that he be out up against asinine purity tests from his own party. You then proceed to do just that.. lmfao. My point with the goals was that Even if he accomplished all of that... it wouldn't be 101% pure or his Cabinet members wasn't a progressive until recently... so all of a sudden it doesn't count to people like you.
  14. Lmfao at the first paragraph. The point totally flew over your head 🀣 As for the second paragraph, yes those are his planned items. That doesn't mean people like you still won't put him through asinine purity tests that has nothing to do with anything important.... " So what he accomplished all those goals? who cares!! .... bbbbbut every member of his Cabinet wasn't a pure progressive, they switched ideologies late in life.... so their progressive agenda doesn't count, they're grifters " Simply ridiculous.
  15. Trump was not held to any standards what so ever be it from his base or his party. Once again... if a dem President isn't 110% pure it's the same as a republican president being 110% corrupt in your eyes. I look forward to the Tan suit, fancy mustard, Salute with a coffee cups type scandals that Biden will be subject too. GTFO with that purity test nonsense.
  16. I broke down the similar numbers for @Cooke (not admin cant helpwith the death rate...... give him a second... math is not his strong point.
  17. We have a few concerned citizens in the other thread asking for updates on this bombshell of a story. By now there should be a mountain of hard evidence to show. Thanks for staying on top of this guys. Appreciate it
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