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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. ok that's cool. You both can give us an update to this riveting story in the Hunter Biden thread
  2. @Cooke (not admin cant help and @Twinblade We have three concerned citizens here. What's the update with that bombshell story?
  3. Voidler doesn't realize he is proving my purity test point with this long ass purity test post 🤣 Elizabeth Warren doesn't pass the purity test so her progressive agenda doesn't count. @Cooke (not admin cant help cross her off the thread title as a progressive.... she didn't pass the test... not pure enough bro.
  4. Its crazy how that story just died the morning of the election. All of a sudden all the evidence that they were promising didn't matter. As a concerned citizen it worries me that this vital information was never released.
  5. again you seem to be more upset about that perceived slight than he is.... You're mad in his behalf 🤣
  6. Yes Yang was Celebrating Biden's Victory "we won we won". Now you can go cry on Yang's behalf while he celebrates 🤣
  7. again with a highly infectious disease like Corona virus, once you start hitting critical mass that ratio doesn't matter anymore because the DEATH TOLL gets so high and this are actually human beings not just numbers. The fatality rate is as high as 9.7% in some countries and is 2% in US and 3.3% in Canada. And because its highly infectious... if everyone in America gets it.. That will 6.6 million deaths..... yea Cooke that's nothing.... you're still dumb as a bag of rocks. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality
  8. Strange how you're trying to find a connection when there is none. Strange how he isn't upset but you are. You're mad on his his behalf? lmfao
  9. Slow Jonny spent his Thanksgiving thinking about Jehurey 🤣
  10. So I guess Elizabeth Warren is a grifter too and not a true progressive since she gave her endorsement of Yellen.... lol The purity tests have already begun, just like I said it would 😂🤣
  11. Another series X game that is worse than the PS5 version. 🤣
  12. bbbbut Series X will catch up... one day... just wait
  13. Most definitely. That's why it's hilarious that people in this thread are trying to imply that Biden will somehow get a pass on everything he does lol
  14. Yes, she even got endorsed by Warren herself. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren praised Yellen in a tweet responding to news of the coming nomination. "Janet Yellen would be an outstanding choice for Treasury Secretary. She is smart, tough, and principled," Warren said. "As one of the most successful Fed Chairs ever, she has stood up to Wall Street banks, including holding Wells Fargo accountable for cheating working families." Progressive groups like Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a group
  15. That's definitely not going to happen. Biden will be held to a much higher standard than Trump even from his own party. I expect all the "purity" tests to be excessive.
  16. I know you think you're being clever but at least do some research before posting. During the 2019-2020 influenza season, CDC estimates that influenza was associated with 38 million illnesses, 18 million medical visits, 405,000 hospitalizations, and 22,000 deaths and here a link for the pneumonia deaths by state. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/flu_pneumonia_mortality/flu_pneumonia.htm Now go look at the Covid19 deaths...... yea... Covid19 dwarfs both this year. But wait, I thought you said if Trum
  17. Can you project any harder? 🤣 You're projecting your saltiness quite quickly, I thought you would have kept up the act a little longer.... I guess not... lol. Biden, Saunders and Warren are all allies. This is a non story.
  18. and to think you almost got talked out of getting it... lol
  19. No no you're missing my point. You cherry picked the Wii +DS gen to say Switch will be a massive down grade even at 150 million. You skipped over the Wiiu +3DS (the most recent handheld gen) and GC+GBA why is that?
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