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Posts posted by Goukosan




    "A tech overhaul is afoot at Nintendo with Pikmin 4 making the jump to Unreal Engine - doing away with its in-house engine. The results impress: it moves to a dynamic 900p, boosts lighting and material quality and adds a host of post-effects to the experience. All round, the result is one of the Switch's best looking releases."


    " Pikmin 4 is easily the biggest leap forward graphically for the series - and for Nintendo it's a visual tour de force on Switch. Parts of it look almost like a CG animation in presentation, especially the lighting"


    -moved to Unreal Engine 4

    -docked 1440x810 - 1600x900

    -handheld 1066x600 - 1280x720

    -uses TAA

    -bokeh DoF

    -chromatic aberration

    -environmental detail is greatly improved

    -object materials make great use of UE4's physically based rendering

    -runs at a locked 30fps (single frame drop) 

    has some pixel shimmer despite the TAA


  2. Multiple sources are saying the Switch 2 will have an 8 inch screen and 512GB max internal storage. 


    "Max storage" sounds like they will have different storage options at launch. 


    New cart format -  3DS used a different cart format than DS.... But the 3DS port also accepted DS carts for BC.


    Speculates that 3D Mario would be a launch title. 



  3. 4 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Honestly I have seen enough self condemning things that Andrew Tate said openly himself at this point. That's what happens when you have a big fucking mouth. 


    I'm not sure if that falls under human trafficking's but he himself said he use emotional blackmail to keep his girls in check and I'm pretty sure that's a form of abuse under the law. Among other very questionable statements and he's constantly lying about the case details. It's not looking good. 


    Even if he were to be acquitted, I wouldn't trust that guy with anything. That's my new take on Andrew Tate. Just a scummy, charismatic guy who know how to extract money from everything and everyone around him. 


    Yup that sums it up pretty well... He openly said himself and sold seminars about the lover boy method that he utilized to sneer the women (which is illegal). 


    I get not wanting to go only by the narrative the media is pushing.... But when the guy himself is on tape saying he did those things and he was making money off teaching it... 


    You would really have to be a low IQ ignoramus fool to actually still be defending him

  4. Low IQ retards actually think he is free? 


    A Bucharest court ruled on Friday to release internet personality Andrew Tate from house arrest where he is awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking, placing him under judicial control, a lighter restrictive measure.


    Under the new measure, the four suspects can leave the house, but not the capital Bucharest and the surrounding Ilfov county. They must check in regularly with the police. They are also banned from trying to approach the victims.



    He can walk outside his house and around town but can't go anywhere else pending the trial. 


    When you rely on tiktok for news :kaz:

  5. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    ^ to be fair ASUS seems to have produced a lot of units so shortages aren’t an issue. I was at my local Best Buy the other day and they had at least 6-8 just sitting on the shelves.


    Yup.  The Ally is available in big box retail chains while the deck is not.   One of the major reasons for the faster rate. 

  6. 47 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Currently, or launch aligned?


    Because Valve was limiting sales and not producing as many.  Since then they've ramped up.


    If it's selling more currently.. then that's great news.  The market is growing for these devices, and others are taking notice.  The more competition the better.



  7. 10 minutes ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Tbh I think Danganronpa sold 200k on Vita. So while this is impressive it's still not that crazy. It means the hardcore are really getting it.


    No you're confused.  Lifetime sales of two Danganronpa games on Vita was 200k.


    Rain code just recently released on switch and sold 300k.... Lifetime it was probably get to 500K to 600K range. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Ramza said:

    And Microsoft pushed the 60 dollars increase during the 360 era. Also the first company to charge users just to play their games online. None of these companies have your best interests.


    The only reason why MS offer a cheap service like Gamepass is because they thought it would change the face of the industry and MS could lower the bar and released unfinished GAAS. They aren't doing it out of kindness. 


    And don't forget micro-transactions 🤮 

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