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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Why you only cherry picked that gen? What about that GC + GBA gen or the Wiiu + 3DS gen?
  2. "he would instead like to keep them in the US Senate to help him carry out a progressive agenda" Reading beyond a headline must be hard for you.
  3. Me stating facts mean I like terrible news?.... You're getting dumber by the second bro 🤣
  4. 9 months later and you still don't understand how infectious it is.. which leads to the bigger problem of more people dying. It was "better" in the summer because leading up to the summer we were all. locked down and socially distanced. The states that opened up early saw RECORD BREAKING NUMBERS in the summer. Did you forget? And once people stopped socially distancing... BAM.. numbers went up again. Clueless fuck.
  5. Hey Retard, it's been 9 months and you still don't understand that it's a highly infectious disease that has killed more people in 9 months than anything over the last century. That's why we had the lockdown to prevent it from spreading so quickly. The % of survival doesn't matter when it spreads so quickly because the actual number of people dying is staggering. You have been wrong on every turn with this and continue to be. It was supposed to be gone by the summer, it was supposed to get weaker and car crashes were deadlier...
  6. but LemiJ's sources said the PS5 tools where way behind ane developers were having issues with the system.
  7. But if it was weaker less people should be dying even if they aren't social distancing.....because you know it's weaker... Sounds like if you don't follow the guidelines more people get sick and die.... who would have thought this? Amirite?
  8. My response was "that lemming salt" and you keep adding to that mountain of salt.. lol
  9. Bro look at how salty you are in a sales thread. You really want people to be mad about the size of the system and because no one is biting the bait.....you're losing your shit. Another gen of Xbox being dead last 🤣
  10. No one is mad you called it big... because it is big. Not as big as that mountain of lemming salt though 🤣
  11. This has more to do with Trump refusing yo concede and using his power to streal an election.
  12. The first one was really innovative on the original DS. This looks boss too
  13. Oh you're worried about the debates huh? Trump got bodied by "sleepy cognitive decline" Joe in the debates and the Election 🤣
  14. Yes SW ownage we covered that already.
  15. This is billed as a "prequel" to the Breath of the Wild to show the war and events that preceeded that game as well as lead up to the full sequel (BOTW 2) next year. So it's going to be story heavy + Zelda elements + Dynasty Warriors.
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