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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You were definitely more excited about this than when Halo Finite crushed your dreams
  2. Game will be shadow dropped this month along with the Cyberpunk 2077 cloud version for Switch. My Sources have confirmed it. My source is the same source LemiJ uses.... his ass 🤣
  3. look at how excited you got 😂
  4. Its most likely digital only or something so. The developer gave an update to the status just this month.
  5. The sale hasn't gone through yet though but nice try
  6. Lemming tales and fantasies 😂 They also said ON THE RECORD that there's ni huge gap between Series X and PS5 and don't hold your breath waiting for Series X tools to come save the day because the tools aren't lacking.
  7. You're confused. The Dev debunked the theory that the series X tools are jacked up. The tools excuse is BS
  8. You were doubly wrong with the comparison about the deaths too. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp. Did you let it go when you were proven wrong back then yet you still pushed that narrative for months on end? .... I mean look at you now.... saying you were just comparing deaths as if that made the dumb shit you said any better 🤣
  9. Bush and Reagan did unethical things. Trump actually committed multiple crimes, big difference.
  10. Lmfao.... that tools argument has been debunked by Devs... ON THE RECORD.
  11. Not wearing a seatbelt is not the cause of multi car crashes and Multi car crashes aren't infectious. Everyone on the highway who drives past a multi car crash isn't infected with a car crash.. lmfao
  12. Oh don't be fooled. Trump is getting prosecuted the minute he leaves office. Biden's Administration isn't directly going after him, but he will be taken down. The cases are already lined up and waiting 😎
  13. Remember he also believed it would magically stop after the election, that tied into him bragging that it was just under 200K...... as if that was something to. be proud of.
  14. So Covid deaths in the US has crossed quarter million in only 10 months... that's more deaths than Suicides, Car Crashes and strokes would do in 12 months COMBINED. Remember when @Cooke (not admin cant help qas floating that stupid right wing talking point about Car crashes being more deadly than Covid-19?
  15. That looks like Sloooooowwww Jonny....someone check on him... he hasn't been seen since series X launched 🤣
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