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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Yea... just like I thought.... that's not saying much. That almost word for word what they said about Xbox1...... https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2013/11/23/xbox-one-biggest-launch-in-xbox-history/ Xbox One is Biggest Launch in Xbox History: More Than One Million Consoles Sold in less than 24 hours The team is excited to confirm the launch of Xbox One was the biggest launch in Xbox history, with more than one million consoles sold through worldwide in less than 24 hours – surpassing day one Xbox 360 sales and setting a new record for Microsoft. Xbo
  2. bbbbut DynamiteCop said MS out engineered Sony
  3. It's a remake... stop the foolishness. Was RE 2 and RE3 Remake not current gen games? Or did you list the under PS 1 games? lol
  4. Twinblade and DynamiteCop avoiding this like how Trump avoids taxes.. lol
  5. What's the time frame for the next gen games for MS?.... Cross Gen Halo couldn't even make launch....lol
  6. Pfffft.... wait until you see how fast Ori 2 loads...... or how fast minecraft loads..... or how fast cup head loads... lol
  7. All those games will be out before MS can push out a next gen game.
  8. Maybe it doesn't get pushed. Sony probably wants to bury the series X year 1 before MS can even get a next gen game out the door. Create that mindshare and momentum.... so by the time Series X has a next gen game it will sooo far behind it'll be too little too late.
  9. Biden came in with a lead and decided the best strategy in a crowded Dem race was to look like the Adult in the room and take the high road and it paid off in spades. He wasn't trying to be loud and make a big splash and get sound bites in because he came in WITH THE LEAD. Everyone was gunning to take him down. What Bernie did was smart... no matter who won between him and Biden he didn't want the democratic vote to split like they did in 2016...where the Bernie or bust die hards didn't vote for Hillary. Both Biden's and Bernie's goal was to get Trump ou
  10. Not for Xbox... in Japan of all places to play the same game you coils play on your PS4?
  11. But lemmings said it was sold out the day preorders went up
  12. What are the going to do? give us impressions on old Xbox1 games? lol
  13. Xbox1 was such a flop for MS... they wanted to exit not only hardware space but gaming completely.... he also points out that everyone at Xbox was jumping ship and that's how the role fell to him.. Do we keep going? By early 2014, a few months after the Xbox One launch, Whitten had left for Sonos, and Spencer was the one left to pitch the value of the gaming division to newly named Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. "Then the question is, do we go forward with Xbox?" Spencer said. "Because we're getting really outsold by PlayStation in the market at this point. Do we stay inv
  14. Those Gafs were in interviews or quick sound bites on TV. He has constantly delivered in the Debates.... you yourself said he did good against Bernie. Bernie has leagues better grasp on national policy and government than Trump and his vocabulary is vast compared to Trump's vocabulary limitations. So why in God's name would Biden perform WORSE in a debate against Trump? Makes no sense.
  15. No im not confused.... because I remember asking you clearly that if Bernie doesn't win the nomination (meaning he couldn't beat Biden)... what made you think Bernie would beat Trump? and that's when you said you believed Biden wouldn't stand a chance against Trump. If Bernie was such a strong candidate he should have beaten Biden, no? Only people who haven't actually paid attention to his speeches as VP, his VP debate or his record with public speaking thought that Biden would do badly in a debate with Trump.... a man who has the vocabulary of a 10 year
  16. Must be nice to have rose tinted glasses to try to change what was the American people's stance on the war back then. Timeline Pre 9/11.... 64% said that the U.S. should have removed Saddam at the end of the Gulf War. May 2003... A Gallup poll concluded that 79% of Americans thought the Iraq War was justified. Bush lied to the American people and to congress and America was on board. 79% of the country was for the war... As things played out AFTER the war portion was completed and Bush started fucking up.... that's when
  17. Even though Trump's lost the popular vote and his margin of victory was significantly smaller. Even though his win was "projected" and not certified as yet. Contrast this to today and he and his supporters are crying up a storm
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