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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. What this fool doesn't realize is that he is fracturing the republicans base belief in voting.... which could lead to smaller turnouts by Republicans
  2. The political board was deleted and brought back in July 2020. Your comments were leading up to the Democratic Primaries that Biden would stand no chance against Trump and that Bernie would have been a better candidate to defeat Trump.
  3. The real issue is he is using Kentucky dollars and Kentucky state Lawyers to join a lawsuit in a different state that has nothing to do with his. He is the Attorney General of Kentucky. If he personally wants to join the fight on his own... fine. But to join AS THE AG IF KENTUCKY and take resources away from your own state to join the "fight"..... that's the issue. I don't care about his race.
  4. Ohh just what I thought. That was on the Bush's and their hard on for Saddam Did you forget The Bush Administration (Both father and son) lied to congress about their intentions for Iraq? Nov 2005 - While all the actual Warhawks were still championing the war and saying that if you don't support the war you're not American etc..... he owned up to the fact that his trust in Bush was misplaced. “It was a mistake,” Biden said. “It was a mistake to assume the president would use the authority we gave him properly. … We gave the president the aut
  5. Biden started the Iraqi War? 🤣 Now Biden is a warhawk? What's that a sleepy warhawk?
  6. oh look it's the guy who swore up and down Biden had no chance against Trump... lol
  7. I compared the PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY to Kamala. The president was fucking porn stars while Malania was pregnant with Baron and paid her 120K to keep quiet about it. Malania did softcore porn for crying out load.... Porn. The first lady was a porn model. Yet you want to compare that to Kamala dating a man 10 years after he got a divorce?.. lmfao.
  8. I wonder if someone will tell Trunp that Georgia hasn't been called as yet. I wonder if he knows that he was so far behind that Biden already won without Georgia being called?
  9. Posted this in the wrong thread.... will just post it here. softcore porn first Lady.....you Trump tards hand waved this away for 4 years... Have a fucking seat.
  10. Please note this is an actual news paper front page. The nudity has been blurred out. Something for young women to aspire everywhere.... right @Twinblade
  11. "Fact check: Kamala Harris and Willie Brown had a relationship over a decade after he separated from wife" https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-kamala-harris-willie-brown-idUSKBN26Y2RQ So yea... what else you got? Mind you Milania did soft core porn and Trump slept with porn stars wile married to his 3rd or 4th wife (lost count) https://nypost.com/2016/07/30/melania-trump-like-youve-never-seen-her-before/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPFacebook&utm_medium=SocialFlow&sr_share=facebook
  12. Right right.... Trump makes baseless claim.... then sometime passes.... it comes back that there is no evidence..... he moves on to the next claim. Rinse, wash, repeat.
  13. Yes... just like how you're covering all Trump's talking points on System Wars.
  14. Yes..the news covered a Trump talking point. Just like they covered the others.
  15. Watch your next thread be the next talking point of Trump's.... just like this one was 🤣
  16. But Cooke Biden will pack the courts by himself.... Trump said so!!!!!
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