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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Let me end your baseless Trump claim #956. Biden is not packing the court. The end. On to this next baseless claim #957
  2. Trump "Biden will pack the courts" Cooke "So when Biden packs the court...." Independent thinker right there folks
  3. 1) Multiple recounts where? 2) All of the law suits are being thrown out because Trump has no evidence. 3) There is this thing called Math.... Biden's lead is insurmountable that's when races are called. 4) Trump lost... get over it snowflake. 5) Are you going to denote a few thousand dollars to Trump's fund? He needs your help Mr Patriot
  4. When Tulsi lost youn displayed the same behavior that the Trump tards are displaying now. "it was rigged, she won I swear "
  5. Stop your censorship of the Truth and share the info my fellow North American.
  6. Interesting that you would have thought the SAME EXACT TALKING POINTS that Trump thought about exactly the same time he was pushing those narratives.... but yet you think you came up with them independently... lmfao. Coronavirus - it will be gone by summer, Car crashers are deadlier, Hydroxychloroquine, it's a common flu. Hunter Biden - Barisma, his emails, his laptop etc Joe Biden - sleepy Joe, cognitive decline, corrupt, weak etc and coincidentally you stopped pushing those narratives once Trump stopped pushing them. You started when he did an
  7. I'm just a concerned American citizen trying to get to the bottom of this true story.
  8. Cooke you dick rode all his talking points on. Coronavirus - it will be gone by summer, Car crashers are deadlier, Hydroxychloroquine Hunter Biden - Barisma, his emails, his laptop etc Joe Biden - sleepy Joe, cognitive decline, corrupt, weak etc BLM. Antifa. Hilary. Obama. Etc. Every Single talking point. At least pay the man some cash bro.... jeez... what's with everyone wanting freebies these days.... show some gratitude.
  9. Win Gotcha Points? What in heavens name are you talking about? Im just a concerned American citizen who wants a conclusion to this riveting Hunter Biden tale that was abruptly cut short THE MORNING OF THE ELECTION. I demand to know the truth!!!
  10. You believed the story bro. All your posts this thread speaks for themselves.
  11. Luckily you don't have to be a registered republican to donate.... I know you're Canadian.... They will accept your money. You spent the last year and a half riding his dick... you might as well pay him for it.
  12. Not interested in that... the race is done story complete...Joe Biden won. But Hunter.... that BIG story is incomplete.... Why did Trump and his people drop this story the MORNING OF THE ELECTION?
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