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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 1 hour ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Two months ago, I bought Zelda TOTK and it came in a cart.

    There was no manual inside and I believe it is the same cart used for BOTW which was $60.


    And then I bought Diablo IV out of peer pressure digitally, for $70.


    Like wtf, I thought the raise in price was for blu-ray mass production and hi def content but none of these games deliver on that.


    Well except Diablo IV but even then 


    No it's not the same cart. TOTK is on a 32gb cart, BOTW is on a 16 GB cart.


    With that said games being 70 is ridiculous, especially games that come bare bones and you have to purchase characters, skins, weapons etc with real money on DAY 1 after already spending 70.

  2. 3 hours ago, Casual said:


    The joycons do have all the gimmicks of the Wii but them needing to be functional in handheld mode prevented shit from getting too out of control. On the Wii the opposite was true as you didn't even have a traditional control scheme out of the box.


    the Wii WAS a gimmick, the Switch just has a couple slapped on. the worst part about the Switch is that a couple of the gimmicks (joycons mostly) were relatively expensive so it adds to the hardware cost without adding anything to the experience (for me, at least).


    We're saying essentially the same thing.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Casual said:


    I see them doing exactly that honestly. It worked out far too well not to. It needing to be a handheld also restricts some of their ability to make gimmicks, you can't have forced motion for example if you're expecting people to play it on planes and shit.


    I could see them eventually trying another dual screen gimmick, but i think it would be too cost prohibitive right now for them to do that on top of having it be portable.


    Maybe we get a small gimmick with limited impact to games ala DS > 3DS, but I can't really imagine what it would be.


    The OG Switch had gimmicks - Labo, Mario Kart Live, ring fit etc. 


    The difference between Switch and wiiu/Wii is that the entire system wasn't built around gimmicks.


    They made sure the core system itself wasn't severely hampered by the gimmicks but still versatile enough to facilitate the gimmicks of labo, mk live, ring fit etc. 


    The joycons include all the motion stuff from Wii, including an IR camera, it includes the amibo stuff from wiiu + the system itself has a screen like Wiiu had it it's controller.


    So I fully expect the system itself to be simply a more powerful Switch and the gimmicks will come a more improved/advanced joy con that can facilitate whatever gimmicks they want without severely hampering the core experience. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Ike said:

    This is a thread about Xbox Slow Johnny. I’ve been playing the AAA banger FF16 which will come to Xbox maybe “whenever possible” :danylol:


    He already played it on his PS5 so who cares that it's maybe coming Xbox "whenever possible" :kaz:


  5. Just now, JonbX said:

    Sony factually did pay.


    Look mad you are. REEF. DUMBO


    Desperate to start your DUMBO-Go-Round 🤣 Get a life, loser 😂


    That phrase "whenever possible" sure triggered you... Look at the tears flow :kaz:

  6. 1 minute ago, JonbX said:

    Sony ABSOLUTELY paid for both SE Ps5 games this year its FACT

    Another FACT is that FF14 is coming to Xbox (not Ditch)

    Another FACT is xbox gets way more SE games than "here and there"

    Another FACT is Xbox is getting MORE games from SE in the future


    And then you cry to start your Goopy-Go-Round 🤣 DUMBO


    Look mad he is that square said "whenever possible" and that Nintendo and Sony didn't pay to get more support... Big mad :kaz:



    Stay mad bitch :umad:

  7. 6 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    What does that have to do with anything? We are in a thread about a SE game coming to Xbox. Not switch.

    When S/E also said ...




    and your response is to whine about Xbox saying PS5 and Switch get more SE games. Like no shit, DUMBO. Now Xbox is getting more games too. And Xbox already has SE that arent on Ditch. Jeeez, you are just a bitter little guy, huh? DumboSan the master of Nintonto Cock Suckery 🤣


    And Sony ABSOLUTELY paid for SE games. It was proven in the MSACT case in court. Guess that wasnt true either? Stick to sales charts you 🤡


    Slow Jonny you brought up Playstation paying for Square support in reference to Xbox getting less support. 


    I pointed out that both Playstation and Switch get more square support than XBOX without paying for it... Which was in reference to your comment. 


    Why are you so mad at that fact they don't pay for it and get more support :umad:




    And yes Square will throw Xbox a bone "whenever possible".. Stay mad :kaz:



  8. 29 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Why are you always so mad about shit lmao. They say they are bringing more games and you are all no no ! they are mostly on DITCH!!  You're such a bitter retard LOL






    No slow Jonny I said they're mostly on PlayStation AND THEN Switch. Meaning Playstation gets the most Square support then Switch 2nd... Neither of them are paying for it :umad:



    Why are you so mad that Xbox gets the least support from Square?  Look at your response 'Bbbut you're retarded :awww:"



  9. 6 minutes ago, Remij said:

    They are similar devices which serve different markets...  They're  both game playing portables.


    You're the one who just made a whole bunch of distinctions between the two.... which creates the current paradigm.



    I'm going to be honest... all this shit is entirely due to your insecurity about the Switch lol... You keep repeating the same shit over again, because I think you're telling yourself what you need to hear.  None of us ever made any suggestion that Deck was competing on the same field as the Switch.  We talk about them competing about shit like power, versatility, and libraries... and you talk about them not competing in retail power, mindshare, and exclusives.... like as if we ever did lmao.


    Let me remind you we're in a Switch 2 thread... A device that is not even out as yet, specs aren't out as yet, images of the device isn't even out as yet.. It's rumored to be a 1yr and 4 months away... And yet sugarhigh felt so triggered he started crying about deck.... Unprovoked too :kaz:





  10. 18 minutes ago, Remij said:


    Nobody is triggered at all about Switch 2 overshadowing the Deck... you asked him to be real... try it yourself. 


    The reality is... unless the Switch 2 has some new gimmick shit.... it's going to simply be a more powerful Switch... which means it's the same "Switch vs Deck" paradigm that we currently have.. because there's already more powerful PC handhelds out there than the Switch 2 will be, and most certainly will by the end of 2024... and by that point.. it wont be long until Deck 2 comes out. 


    Even then... all the same paradigms of today will continue.  Switch 2 will have some good exclusive games... but the PC handheld will always have the strength of it's library and versatility.


    Reality check.. There is no Switch vs deck paradigm..that only exists in steam deck fan boys heads. 


    The deck is a niche device (which is ok)..to play your steam library.. But let's not pretend it's major competition or any for that matter to switch...


    No developer is diverting any resources to create games for the deck from the ground up... No retail chain is carving out space to put deck on its shelves.  


    Day 1 Switch 2 Mindshare will dwarf deck, Day 1 it will have more games made from the ground up for it  And  within launch month or sooner it will surpass deck commercially.


    And yes deck will still have it's stream library.. But that doesn't change it from being a niche Device. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    arms, luigi's mansion and astral chain were meh.


    Those games were just an example off the top of my head... But Again That's your opinion that they were meh.. Example.. I think they combat mechanics in Astral chain are superb. 


    but saying it was only mostly Wiiu ports is not the samething as saying the new games were meh to you

  12. 7 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    a lot of those switch games were meh. look,i own both systems, so there's no reason for me to be biased. i just think the switch's first several years were heavily overrated.


    Your opinion that the new games were meh is not the same as saying it was mostly only Wiiu ports... You're "Switching" up what you said... And yes pun intended..lol


    Not saying you're biased.. I'm saying You're forgetting how Wiiu actually was and the months long droughts. 


    Yes in the end the Wiiu built up a solid library, but in real time the wait for new games was rough. 


    Switch didn't have that problem. 


  13. 32 minutes ago, Remij said:

    100%.. and we had to listen to the retarded sheep act like they were getting brand new games like "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe" and Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker.


    Shit was embarrassing.


    We were getting new games Xenoblade 2, Arms, 3D Mario, smash, astral chain, Luigi mansion and much more within the early years

  14. 1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

    most of the early switch games were wiiu ports. in terms of first several years on the market, the wiiu had more real and better exclusives. 


    You need to go recheck that. Switch got more new games than Wiiu ports even in the first year and first several years. 


    You're off base with this one. 

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