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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Trump's base are responsible for themselves. They didn't just turn into racist Xenophobic pieces of shit because of SJWs...
  2. So why were your posts deleted/hidden and you were told that normally you would get a ban for it? Sloooooowwww Jonny 🤣
  3. Says the guy who brought up politics when asked about what games he is getting with bis Xbox Series X 🤣
  4. ummm Lemmings claimed this was a 1440p system and defended it high and low that it wasn't a 1080p system. Fortnite confirms this. TLHBO.
  5. Slow Jonny hated Witcher 3 for years...... until One X got an enhanced version years after the original game. Then all of a sudden... he loved the Witcher 3.. best game ever because one D had no games to call its own. Fast Forward to series X.... and he is back again... talking about the Witcher 3... paying another 400 - 500 for this🤣
  6. What SJW think can you quite me on. Shoup be pretty easy right?
  7. Lmfao.... im not even SJW. What happened with Covid19 in America was all Trump.... you cannot blame covid for the Trump failure. You have it backwards. Trump's failure to lead put us in the position we are in today as a country. The pandemic response global team that the Obama administration had stationed all around the globe to combat infectious viruses to contain them at the point of origin was dismantled and gutted by Trump 2 years ago. And surprise surprise... the next infectious virus brought the entire world to it's knees. Can you i
  8. says the guy who cried for these rules to be in place and you're now crying because it's being applied to you.
  9. "usually a ban comes with it" GD felt sorry for your slow ass 🤣
  10. No votes postmarked after tomorrow will be counted..... Again you are not specific on what "Rules the democrats have made up" to steal votes and the election. Or is it you aren't aware of what rules were in place for decades so now you think it's cheating because Trump told you so. Meanwhile you have the right actively fighting to through out legal votes by the hundreds of thousands on multiple states each.
  11. @Twinbladehas to be baiting. How could he not know that mail in and early voting has been a thing for decades. Definition of low information voter.
  12. You cannot go with mentioning that name on a gaming forum..... how pathetic are you? That was one of the rules YOU wanted you little bitch. Now look at you crying that the rules apply to you 🤣
  13. Bro it's like he is a child for real. The one genius of Trump is praying on low information voters like Twinblade
  14. Pillow Bhytre once again showing his secret love affair for polish trash 🤣
  15. You guys wanted those rules surprise surprise you guys are the same ones who can't abide by them. Lmfao.
  16. You left because everything fell in on you. Series S is real. Series X has zero next gen showcase. Halo got delayed into oblivion and is currently in development hell. The Halo reveal looked like ASS. Switch has outsold Xbox1 in half the time it took Xbox to sell those numbers. Switch still hasn't fell off the cliff... 3 years and running. You ran away like a little bitch.
  17. Bro you cannot be this stupid. Trump has voted by mail in ballots before multiple times....You also do know that EARLY VOTING IS NOT NEW.. Electiondday is the deadline for your vote to be sent it by. That has always been that case. The only difference now is that more people can use mail in ballots because of the current pandemic. An election is the voice of the people. Trying to suppress the vote shows that Trump is scared he would lose.
  18. Series X launch is so bad lemmings are boasting about fast loading a last gen game that came up out 5 years ago. No new next gen games to talk about on their next gen system. Series X is launching with a drought 🤣
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