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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 36 minutes ago, Remij said:

    You're the retarded one...  and all because sugarhigh said Deck has/will have a better library than the non-existent Switch 2 :drake: 


    He got you feeling a type of way:awww: 


    Nah you're being retarded.  Zero games are built from the ground up for steam deck, non of your spin changes that. 


    This is a Switch 2 thread, not my fault sugarhigh felt so triggered that it will overshadow deck... So he to starting crying right on cue:awww:

  2. 34 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Sometimes the self loathing manifests itself into the pick-me mentality. These people are so convinced that they are special they transcend any biases or criticisms against them. 


    It was an amusing time watching the few prominent black Republicans get their negro wakeup calls when they decided to complain about how Florida is going to handle teaching slavery. To the point they were being called out for doing Kamala Harris' dirty work for her. All to defend the second place nominee. That's how valuable black people are to the Republican party. I haven't seen a single right wing talking head defending them either. 


    All of this bullshit derives from white supremacy...They are subdivisions of it. Which I've tried to point out multiple times here. When your ideological enemies are women, blacks, gays, immigrants, Muslims, Jews, and the people who support them - who are you left with? 









    When I pointed out to Cooke that after finish going after Trans, next up is gay marriage.  He couldn't see the connection...... I also showed him after gay marriage will be gayness itself. 


    Then I posted what republicans law markers were saying about gay marriage....his new response was "well marriage is stupid anyways" 



    When the go after gayness he might say being gay is gay anyways


  3. 10 hours ago, Remij said:

    Referring to being relegated to a last gen only system a decade from now genius....  Your point about Switch 2 having games made specifically for it has no bearing on which library is or will be better... so it completely falls flat.  


    And yes there are Deck games, and there is a Deck library... Are you saying backwards compatibility doesn't count as a library to you for consoles?  Doesn't matter if it's "emulated" or "translated"... it's a library that works on not just the Deck.. but any Linux PC.  And let's not even mention that there's 10,000+ native SteamOS (Linux) games on Steam. 😉




    List the games that are made specifically for deck :umad:



  4. 31 minutes ago, Remij said:


    You could say that about any console....


    The Deck's library is the only library that is essentially guaranteed to be playable on whatever new PC device you have decades from now :reg: 


    Yes you can say that about any console.... Except the steam deck... That's the point I was making genius. 


    There are no deck games or a steam deck library.... Deck is playing games released on steam...those games aren't on steam specifically for deck. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    The only value of sales to me is that I won't waste my money on a stunted platform. Vita was stunted. With Steam Deck, hardware sales mean nothing because I'm guaranteed to get a better library than Switch 2 for literally decades to come.


    Even if you stick to what's officially Verified/Playable on Deck, the library is insane.


    No you're not. Switch 2 will have a tons of games made specifically for it unlike deck which will not. 


    The current Deck will be relegated to a last last last gen only system in decades to come don't be silly. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Remij said:

    Show me where I said it doesn't affect sales "at all"...


    They aren't significant to this games sales figures... thats a simple fact.


    Look to other PS games on PC that have been fixed and continue to fail to sell.


     You just have to get over the fact that PC gamers don't give a shit about Sony's games. :shrug:


    But anyway, I have a question for you.  How does it work regarding NPD figures when a game releases in early access?  Do those EA sales get counted as day 1 sales, or do they only count sales made after the release? :wonder:


    Lost sales from a bad launch are seldom ever fully recouped.  A lot of people simply move on and never come back and end up not purchasing the game. 


    As far as NPD.. Digital sales work differently than Physical. 


    Digital sales are shared to NPD by the publisher and each publisher's granularity of detail shared for digital sales varies. 


    With that said, I highly doubt it's real time digital data they're sharing.


    Most likely Monthly figures, so that would capture  EA 's early access sales as within the same month of release. 


    EA themselves will count early access sales as day one sales for press releases but they'll also internally track early access sales seperately.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Remij said:

    Major outlets... which have said they port simply need some polish.. not that it's broken... and stop being a bitch.. nowhere did I say they have ZERO impact on people waiting to purchase.  There's simply not a massive number of people waiting for what you're saying they're waiting for.  This games' sales aren't going to double or triple after they patch the issues.... 


    From DF..


    However, the launch version arrived with several issues and oversights, only some of which have been tackled with the first hotfix. For that reason, I recommend holding off on trying the game if you have something else to play, as you're likely to have a much more polished experience further on down the line.


    None of those oversights break the game... lmfao.. the ones Alex lists are some missing transparancy effects and a texture filtering issue which have both already been solved with the hotfix patch.  RT support disabled on AMD hardware also to blame.



    But ok... yea there's just TONS of people waiting for Ratchet and Clank to be fixed... that will surely be reflected in the future sales when it is fixed.. and I'm going to hold you to that :mjgrin:  


    Show me where and when I said the gane was broken? Lying J stooping to misrepresenting what I said once again... :umad:



    I said major outlets are recommending people wait for patches.  Which means those outlets feel the issues are significant enough to wait. 


    Contrast that to you who was claiming the issues aren't significant. Lmfao



  8. 45 minutes ago, Remij said:




    Where did I say bad launches have no impact? Ratchet isn't a "bad launch".. it's got a couple bugged effects in minor spots which don't have any bearing on the game.  Lots of PC games have far worse issues than Ratchet and sell tons...  So you're saying Ratchet would have sold far more, huh? :bena:  


    It's hilarious that you think this game didn't sell well because it's had a couple missing effects and crashed for a few people.... and not that it was a $70 2 year old PS5 game with no marketing as well as being a genre that PC gamers typically don't give a fuck about :tom: 


    Returnal is far more "PC centric" than a character platformer.  Returnal is a roguelike shooter... which can do very well on PC... Nobody want's Sony's leftovers at full price 2 years later. :reg: 


    Major outlets - "the issues are significant enough, hold out on purchasing, wait for patches" 


    Remij "Pfft those issues are basically non existent and have ZERO impact on people waiting to purchase" 




  9. 1 hour ago, Remij said:


    Returnal disproves that BS theory.  


    Sony games just aren't worth what they're asking... and PC gamers know that.   There's better games to play on PC... and far more choice.   "Bwugz and tech effekz" have nothing to do with it :tom: 


    Bad launches have no impact now? You and DynamiteCop are back just saying the dumbest shit imaginable :kaz:



    Returnal is a new IP, non block buster title...

    Try again :umad:




    Plus... Any sale Sony gets more than 2+ years later at full price on PC is just gravy. 


    And they will keep releasing old ports on PC , no day and date anytime soon :juggle:


  10. 18 minutes ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    I played FFXIV casual stuff on PS4 with Vita. This is going to be much better if it has dedicated decoding hardware. Wii U pad had 2fps lag 11 years ago



    Wiiu pad wasn't  remote play genius.  That worked only in range of the console for a reason. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 5 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Lol you retards always post these videos like this is some type of win, but completely fail to acknowledge that we live in a world of updates...


    All of these minors issues will be fixed and are already being fixed. The game is superior on PC, the end.


    Was Master Chief collection ever fixed? :umad:



    Ratchet launched on PC a buggy mess, with crashes and missing graphical effects. DF recommends holding off and waiting for potential fixes. Sorry that triggered your snowflake ass


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