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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Series S is too gimped to implement bro and Series X dev kits are trash...... LemiJ has been owned
  2. Bro you're delusional, your persecution complex is showing. Yes it qas designed to be gimped.... and we're seeing how badly gimped it is now.
  3. Sloooooowwww Jonny = the forum now. Damn bro you're throwing everything at the wall hoping something sticks. Take up that argument with him. Yes series S is gimped next gen system... thanks for finally catching up.
  4. It's a last gen came you clown..... its fucking hilarious that Series S cannot do ray tracing on a last gen game. Your Lemming persecution complex was triggered so hard that you imagined I said it would hold back series X for last gen games..... so much so that you're arguing with yourself against that
  5. Damn kid you're still slow as fuck... yikkkes 😊 For the last time you slow ass motherfucker... Im laughing at how gimped Series S is. If your dumbass wants to argue about Series S holding back Series X games then that's a different topic....but not one I was talking about. For right now... im laughing at Series S not being able to do RT on a last gen game....
  6. PS5 has it at launch. Series X won't have it at launch. Will get it at a later patch. Developers are having issues implementing RT on Series X. Series S won't have it at all.
  7. Hey Retard.... you were arguing against something you made up in your head. I said three times already this situation had nothing to do with holding back games.... where the fuck is your dumbass getting it from? lmfao. But Lmfao at series S not being able to do RT on a last gen game
  8. Hey retard you still can't keep up? This situation has nothing to do with holding back games... its a cross gen port. You're making up a point about holding back last gen games that I never made and then you're arguing against the same point you made up.... how stupid are you? lmfao. This situation is us laughing at series S not even being able to run RT on a last gen port
  9. of course a poor man like yourself considers 60 an investment..... no wonder your broke ass rents everything.... damn bro.. how poor are you? ... yikes
  10. Hey Retard... try to keep up for a bit. When people say hold back games they're talking about NEXT GEN GAMES.... not last gen games like DMC 5. Now back to the current ownage at hand. Series S cannot even run a last gen game with RT..... that means series S will be even more gimped that everyone initially thought
  11. Series PC? Damn in a month Hot Sauce has out lemming'd even the most lemming of lemming... impressive
  12. of course you prefer to lease games like the poor bastard that you are
  13. I said 7 out the 10 months Lemtard. RE3 was a filthy flop and broken on Xbox. Doom eternal was released in March. Wasteland 3 in August. Both those months aren't listed. Xbox1 January - February - April - May - June - September - October - 7 out of the 10 months..... Zero games 🤣 Owned
  14. That's not a good sign that Series S cannot even do ray tracing on a CROSS GEN GAME... what's going to happen with actual next gen games? LemiJ and the lemmings have been owned
  15. @Twinblade damn bro.. its time to admit Trump to the mental asylum.... YIKES
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