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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Biden sarcastically calls Trump Abraham Lincoln and takes a swipe at the proud Boys by calling the the poor Boys.... Twinblade all of a sudden doesn't get sarcasm.....meanwhile he bends and twists himself into a pretzel to explain and hand wave away everything Trump says or tweets..
  2. Mind you for months Twinblade said Biden would be a bumbling idiot in the debate, that he might pull out of the debate and that he can't string sentences together... and now he posts this Gem....lmfao.
  3. No wonder Betas like Bhytre, Ghostz, Cooke and Twinblade love this clown 🤡 Look at Trump run and cry like a like bitch
  4. Cooke still can't find all this corruption he has been talking about
  5. because the apple consumers lIke yourself are Apple's bitch. Just like how Apple is Sony's bitch
  6. It's quite obvious you don't understand the premise of Borat. Borat tricks people into thinking he is really a reporter, the unsuspecting people do no know they're in a movie. So yes... Giuliani thought she was 15...he didn't know she was an actor.... He didn't know that She wasn't Borat's 15 year old daughter. He also didn't know Borat is not a real person. So yes he is a pedo.
  7. You're asking if the President of the United States needs to disclose his assets that are in a foreign country? 😐
  8. It's like you cannot read. Apple will be making money OFF THE IDIOTS like yourself... when they sell it to you. You are Apple's Bitch. Similarly... Sony will be making money off of Apple.... alot of money like you said. Apple is now Sony's Bitch
  9. Have you seen how to catch a predator the TV show? Adult women who look underage are the bait to catch the sexual predator. Rudy thought she was 15.....he is a pedo....AND HE WAS CAUGHT RED HANDED. Would it be easier for you to grasp and understand if it was presented as a baseless conspiracy theory?
  10. Not surprised that Rudy is a pedo....another Pedo in Trump's circle..... shocker. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGpWzvpB9nNn8RrWdC1SILoBTQX9Dz0BuD7fuo0/?igshid=1fwqjjvyj5f0l
  11. Hey retard..... Apple will be making money Off of idiot iTard consumers like yourself. Meanwhile... Sony will be making money off of Apple.... cha Ching. Apple is not Sony's biggest customer you clown.... not even by a long shot.
  12. It's not that he paid taxes in China.... its that he paid more taxes in China than he did in the United States ( 750 dollars)...... America First Amirite? lol It's not that he has bank accounts in China, he has other accounts in that were claimed as assets..... it was that this particular one was a SECRET BANK ACCOUNT that he did not report to the IRS. As I said in my other post... you blindly hand wave away all of Trump's CONFIRMED miss doings while in the same breath posting conspiracy theories about Biden that have been already debunked by SENATE REPUBLICANS.
  13. After saying Biden is dirty and corrupt ad nauseum... this is what you post as your evidence of his corruption?
  14. No they can't have anyone make it because not everyone makes those type of screens. Yes Ghostz suppliers make deals with their customers for mass produced consumer electronics parts..... did you just discover this? Apple is Sony's customer.... Sony will be making money off of Apple.... the end.
  15. So Apple will be dependent on Sony for these displays and will be paying Sony Millions for yet...... yet Ghostz think Sony is the one being bitched?
  16. So when Trump loses are you going to leave the political board and get mad when posts like these are brought up? You know.. like how you disappeared after Trump embarrassed himself in the first debate? Or like when he ran and hid from the 2nd debate and how he is now trying to get out of the 3rd debate. Remember how you thought Biden wouldn't debate? How you thought he was hiding? What was your line? oooh yea..... "I Can't wait for the debates".... lmfao. Turns out Trump was the one who is scared and hiding
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