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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Imagine if Biden was already Vice President for 8 years and conducted himself in a presidential manner we would have a reference to decipher if this move is an "Act" or not.....
  2. Twinblade - "bbbbbut the laptop that may or may not belong to hunter Biden that he fly across the country to get repaired at a local repair shop even though it was still under manufactory warranty and the shop owner cannot find the Footage of hunter in the shop...."
  3. You are beyond delusional. You hand wave past all of Trump words and behavior and write it off as "Hyperbole" and "Exaggerations". You then look past the entire mountain of evidence that Trump had been the most corrupt president. 1) More arrests and convictions of his administration staff than even Watergate. 2) Impeached for corruption. 3) Trump was not exonerated in the Russia investigation. The only reason he was not indicted was because an unwritten DOJ rule that the DOJ cannot indict a sitting president. They left it to the Republican senate to conv
  4. You're really saying Biden is unhinged with a straight face in a thread titled "My doctors have given more information than has been given on any human being in the history of the world" ? 🤣
  5. Remember when Twinblade and Cooke were like "Will Biden even debate".... "The dems will keep him hidden"..... I can't wait for the Debates" Now look... Trump is running from a debate again
  6. 2nd time you have said the FBI has the laptop when in fact the link you provided doesn't say that. Provide a link to back up your claims. What part of the senate republicans investigation into Biden found NOTHING don't you understand?
  7. Xbox1 January - February - April - May - June - September - October - we're 10 months into 2020, 7 out of the 10 months..... Zero games 🤣
  8. Xbox1 January - February - April - May - June - September - October - 7 out of the 10 months..... Zero games 🤣
  9. Did you miss the part where Trump was not exonerated on the Russia investigation and he was not indicted ONLY BECAUSE Mueller went by the Justice Department's own unwritten rule of not indicating a sitting president? Did you miss all of that? Did you also miss how many of his team got arrested during the investigation? Did you miss that too? You embarrassed yourself by posting fake story... the story was sooo shitty not even fox wanted to run it. You the further embarrassed yourself by saying Ruth was a biased Justice when in fact she made her cr
  10. The Senate Republicans had a months long investigation into this..... found no evidence of wrong doing by Biden. Like I said, your clock is so broken the hands fells off Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden "An election-year investigation by Senate Republicans into corruption allegations against Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son, Hunter, involving Ukraine found no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by the former vice president, closing out an inquiry its leaders had hoped would tarnish the Democratic presidential nominee."
  11. Obviously But im talking about you because you're wrong all the time
  12. They said the samething after Ori 1. and then they released Ori 2 in Switch. Yes we all know MS wants to get their services on Switch.... badly. I won't be surprised if you see Rare replay on Switch at some point.... or some other Rare IPs.
  13. A lemming... talking about hopes and dreams
  14. Yes other lemmings are raging just like yourself.... wipe your tears up kid 🤣
  15. Commented? You were raging for pages. What's your game graphic design resume look like LemiJ? bbbbut he is clueless Lmfao at lemmings lashing out when their precious plastic box gets critiqued
  16. Im still laughing at how triggered you were about his previous Xbox video..... what's even more funny is everything he said turned out to be true. Stay owned Lem kid
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