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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Stay on topic bro, why are you trying to derail the thread? You DID say those things though... so me quoting you on something you said REPEATEDLY on this board FOR MONTHS is somehow ban worthy? Don't be mad because the dumb shit you been saying is blowing up in your face now. Not my fault you're allergic to posts with sources bro
  2. Trumpets are crying that this tweet was not becoming of someone vying to be president 😐 The lack of self awareness by his supporters is astounding.
  3. That has to be a fake press release. No way can this be real. That shit reads like a 4 year old wrote it.
  4. So which is it? Are you joking about this or are you serious? Stop flip flopping.
  5. Did you miss his DNC speech where it was so good even the right wing media was giving Biden praise?
  6. Remember the right wing talking point on how the Dems would be hiding Biden and how he probably wouldn't debate. Now Trump is the one who is too chicken shit to face Biden again after The Trump lost so badly the first time What's even more irresponsible is that he says he will do a rally instead...... yes.. he still has Covid19 and will do a mask less rally for his supporters to attend. @Twinbladeand @Vini are you guys going to attend? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/10/08/trump-biden-virtual-second-d
  7. So Pence doesn't answer any questions .... yet you think Harris is the one losing? lol
  8. Read it again.... I said it says alot... meaning it says alot about the right wing that you automatically associate the hate groups with the right wing. I didn't say that it says alot about you. Never said that. But, you know what they say "A guilty conscious needs no accuser"
  9. You know what's interesting, the report says white supremacy groups. You automatically take that to me "right wing hate groups"...... that says alot... doesn't it
  10. Yea there aren't any bro.... Next gen launch with ZERO next gen games... MS dropped the ball big time.
  11. DJ Khalid - "Another one" Trump aide Steven Miller tests positive for Coronavirus.
  12. What next gen only games are launching on Series X?
  13. wait till Cooke trots out the "Car accidents are worse than a pandemic" line
  14. They're testing it because Series X has no next gen games to test it on Also they're testing to see how much BC improved.... they're not testing to see if it did because that's a given... they're testing how much
  15. Yes it's a given. The one X loaded the game in 30 something seconds....while the one S from the same generation took almost 1:50 seconds to load it. So again, it's not surprising that a newer system would Trump that given that.
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