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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 22 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    You really have zero global history and relations awareness don't you? 


    14 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    You're the guy that thinks war is cut and dry simple, 1 person is responsible. Lmao. Did you even take a history course in highschool, I mean I know the US education system is a hot mess but seriously. There's zero nuance when it comes to war? 😂


    Cooke out here projecting hard :kaz:


  2. 2 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Yeah too bad primarying old as fuck candidates is a big no no. Too bad there's nothing that can be done about getting the old fucks out of office who can't let go of power when it's time. 


    The Right voted for mitch recently in the midterms, that's how he got re-elected...that's who they wanted... They had an opportunity to elect someone new. 


    The GOP should put forward great candidates for the presidential election if they want Biden gone. 


    Lunatics conspiracy theorist Manchaurian candidates or the MAGA cult leader or the Floridian wannabe be fascist dictator aren't good candidates :umad:


  3. Some of the MAGA people are just realizing 3 years later they were all duped. 



    Unfortunately we have people like Cooke and Ramza who both live all the way in Canada but still drink the MAGA kool aid :kaz:

  4. 43 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Lol it was like she was reading a list of names from a mass shooting or something. Genuinely upset things seem to be getting better? Who knows the fucking economy is a magic show anyway. 


    That's how you know they don't really care about the country... They're genuinely upset things are improving..  Like WTF? 

  5. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

    When the reality is that people like you make up the vast majority, yes, yes it's most definitely not me.


    Yes.. Every single forum is against you.


    You're not the problem, it's everyone else on the internet. 


    Even right leaning Neo Gaf :umad:

  6. 3 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Yeah a bunch of babies who act like they joined the internet 10 years ago.


    "Oh my God you're hurting my feelings."


    Normies shouldn't be in control of any facet of the internet. They either ruin it with corporate influence or can't handle what people say and get triggered.


    Modern internet reacts to speech like it's entirely controlled by the left. If I don't like it I get rid of it or I censor it. Pussies.


    Same tired song and dance from you.  It's everyone else but you. ... Right right. 

  7. 54 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Never in history has someone changed a unique capture like this before. No other social media site has their identity used as a verb...Google as well. So this is like Google changing their search engine name when everyone identifies searching the internet as "googling" . 


    And Musk wonders why they're in the red, losing revenue and advertisers left and right. 

  8. 42 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    Biden is already spoiled and well past his best before date Gouk. If RFK wins then you've at least got a solid DEMOCRAT in office, not a fucking corrupt warmongering diaper wearing senile old man pretending to be president. He may be a spoiler for your great grandpa but for real democrats he's not. 


    RFK is not running to be a spoiler, he's not a plant of the right wing, though some have latched on and use him for a cynical purpose. It's shitty but that's politics for ya. Don't you wish you have more than a duopoly? Then this shit wouldn't be happening. 


    Biden's infustructure plan, economic plan, border, technology plan, manufacturing plan, health plans, foreign policy etc are all now a resounding success. 


    Besides being antivaxx, conspiracy theorist, 5G started covid, wifi is evil, Ukraine should surrender candidate...what is RFK campaigning on? 


    RFK jr has been a plant and Manchaurian candidate from day 1.


  9. 15 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    Remember when democrat super PACs were propping up MAGA candidates in 2022? They were even running ads for them. Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought these figures are doing the same thing not because they like RFK and his policies, but are just doing it to make Biden look bad? They probably want RFK to become too big not for Biden to debate and doing so would hurt Biden before the general because we all know he will flop on stage. But he if makes it through the primary without a proper challenge then it will be too late and he will most likely win the general because there's no alternative. 


    If they are as right wing as you say then they have no business actually genuinely supporting RFK. But the thing is, I don't care about that and that shouldn't be a reason for you to not like him either. You either like what he stands for and who he is as a person or you don't. This guilt by association game is just textbook McCarthyism. 


    I really really hate cynical politics 


    AKA a spoiler candidate just like I been telling your fucking dumb ass :umad:

  10. 9 hours ago, Remij said:

    Where did I say everyone, moron?


    LOL... acting like I'm making up "my own disctinctions"... that people use HD Remaster when referring to a wide range of games with varying degrees of effort put into them when brought to modern devices.... like Aza did right in this very thread :drake:  


    The actual act of "remastering" something, is to improve the quality/clarity of something.  Nintendo improved the clarity of the game, they changed the aspect ratio, they improved the quality of the font textures, they upscaled the video cutscenes...as well as some textures throughout the games.  That's LITERALLY what remastering is...


    Nintendo just doesn't want to say shit because they want to manage expectations... because heaven forbid Nintendo fans actually have higher expectations for Nintendo with these conversions... :roll: 


    And idiot... you know I know what the difference between in engine and gameplay is... lmfao having to make up shit to try to take a dig at me  :tom: 




    There's a difference between an HD re-release, a remaster and a remake... Not going to argue back and forth with you on you choosing to use it interchangeably.... That's your choice to stay retarded :umad:




    Oh you finally know the difference between in engine and gameplay.. Good for you...that's growth. 


    But when MS had one of their first Xbox series shows you thought the in engine videos were gameplay and double down on it too :kaz:

  11. Just now, DynamiteCop said:

    It's probably because everybody is a bunch of fucking pussies. It's the internet grow a pair and shut the fuck up.


    You been hiding and lurking for damn near two years because Xbox sucked so hard.  How pussy is that? :umad:



    Now the deal went through you got your MOJO back?  Lmfao. 


    You ass gets banned everywhere you post and it's always "everyone's fault" but your own and you're a bitch ass for cowering and lurking because you were too pussy to post :kaz:


  12. 9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Before I got banned it was just a bunch of leftist psychopaths in there so they probably killed off the thing themselves and then left because there was no one left to talk to


    You get banned everywhere you post... Like damn kid :kaz:

    • Haha 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Cooke said:

    You really are a conspiracy theorist. This is some DAnon shit. 


    Stop watching MSNBC. You're so fucking embarrassing. 

    And no you didn't respond to the Debbie thing. That's not why she wanted it to go to executive at all. She did the whole "you're a anti semite skit" it had nothing to do with having more time on the floor. I can tell you didn't actually watch the hearing, you're about as embarrassing as Plaskett and Debbie. 


    Oh shit you can't read and comprehend for real  :kaz:


    Go back, sound out the words.. Take your time and read what I said about Debbie. 


    Then get back to me


    And PS your dumbass thinks MAGA Republicans organically want RFK to win the primary and it has nothing to do with wanting an easier opponent for Trump. 


    For the midterms when democrats were elevating MAGA candidates... You saw what it was and said it was (spoilers) and thought it was a loosing strategy for Dems to try to prop up weaker opponents. (you were wrong because it was a winning strategy as the red wave never materialized)


    Now that MAGA is doing the same thing, propping up a weaker opponent in RFK jr... Your dumbass thinks they organically support him. 


    You're beyond stupid. 

  14. 10 hours ago, Remij said:

    No it doesn't you god damn clown.  It's not even a "port" if you want to get technical because it utilizes emulation..


    And I don't give a fuck what Nintendo says.  To normal people they're interchangeable :drake:


    LemiJ back to making up his own distinctions again and saying "everyone" uses it interchangeably. 


    No wonder MS dupes you with the "in engine" footage that you think is the samething as gameplay.  "same shit" :kaz:

  15. 21 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    Kennedy would have been invited regardless if he was running for president. He was one of the first high profile people censored during the pandemic. And once again YOU AVOID WHAT I SAID ABOUT DEBBIE. 


    And are you eating republicans are giving him money? Is that what you are implying? It's a primary doofus. Maybe people just think he's a better democrat option than a senile frail old man. I know it's a hard concept but "c'mon man!"


    Are you legit stupid or can't read... I literally spelt it out about Debbie. 


    And you just almost fully described a spoiler candidate.


    MAGA Republicans think he is a better candidate for the democrats BECAUSE RFK jr will lose to Trump in the general election....whereas Biden would beat Trump again. 


    MAGA Republicans want Trump to win.. Hence why they're pushing for RFK so hard. 


    You're probably the only person in the world who can't see that :kaz:




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