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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Jeez another thread with slow Jonny playing footsie with Jehurey.... kid's obsessed..... over 15 quotes by him in one thread... yikes
  2. the current Switch prices won't be 70 (lite, OG or Pro) Switch 2...unfortunately might be 70 as well... ugh
  3. Yes both are incredible and leaps and bounds over this gen, but if you think Sony won't utilize the additional headroom available in PS5 for its first party games by year 3.....then what can I tell you. Not going to go back and forth..... we wil eventually see how this plays out. Time will tell
  4. No, im saying they already have the HD remake engine which they can use to remake the Zelda games they haven't already and they have shown with Zelda do they are willing to do full on remakes. Or if he doesn't want to play a remake... he can purchase BOTW 2
  5. Yes that won't happen for the first two and a half years.... but by year 3 Sony first party studios will be taking full advantage of this additional headroom.
  6. He can use that money to Purchase BOTW 2 next year Nintendo already has a HD 2D Zelda engine that was used for Link's Awakening. And they already have an HD version of the GC Zelda engine that was used for the WW HD remake..... So unlike the Mario Collection... there are fully remade Zelda classics out there already. So If the Zelda Anniversary collection gets remade like link's Awakening or Like the windwaker remake engine 😄😄😄
  7. Did I say go unlimited with their ambitions? No..... All I said is that PS5 has the additional headroom to get ALOT MORE ABITIOUS than Xbox.
  8. Next gen blast processing Initially that's what it will be used for, but as the gen goes on it will also impact game design and as he said PS5 has more headroom left to get alot more ambitious
  9. except when you want to get more ambitious with your game design like he said.... "PS5 has enough headroom left to get alot more ambitious when you want to"
  10. This was a launch exclusive on Switch...its still not on Xbox and PS4... but somehow the sheep are raped..... lol
  11. The Switch version got updated to 60fps..... been meaning to pick this up....
  12. told you. You should see the post that went along with that
  13. Me pointing out how you're counting your eggs before they hatch is somehow backing up Sony? MS is still dead last in the console space.... that could change... but as of right now they're dead last
  14. @Teh_Diplomat has the gif of it.....shit is funny as fuck
  15. Kicked it down like dominoes and unplugged his Xbox neon lights in his game room too....
  16. Oh yea... Slowly Jonny had a major breakdown when play anywhere was announced. Similar to how DynamiteCop lost his shit and kicked his Xbox1....
  17. All it takes is a little good news and lemmings start hallucinating like someone stuck in a dessert thirsting for water. Until it actually happens it's a mirage.... just hopes and dreams.
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