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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. again... you're confusing MS not putting out AAA content with them not investing in AAA budget games. They have released a ton of AAA budget games..... they just were trash 6.0 games
  2. Xbox losing them money =/= Xbox not having money... surely you know the difference lol
  3. Those games on Xbox are multiplats.... Sony has the same multiplats + exclusive games 😐
  4. Who said Xbox doesn't have money? Surely you can find a post saying that I mean Xbox was just giving away millions upon millions of cash to streamers, just scooped up studios last year and the year before that.... Paid billions for Minecraft (still their best investment in gaming so far) So again... who actually said Xbox doesn't have money? The lack of money has never been a critique of MS and Xbox.... the critique has been the terrible use of the money and lack of AAA content for Xbox1 for the last 7 years.
  5. Better yet... 6 weeks from launch and we haven't seen a single game running on Series X hardware. 0
  6. Who are these imaginary people who said MS doesn't have money? Also, thought you didn't care about Xbox? Now look at you... letting your true lemming colors flow.
  7. Hollow Knight is excellent..... waiting on the sequel to shadow drop at one if these upcoming directs. I'll play Ori 1 and 2 to tide me over until then the superior Hollow Knight 2 releases
  8. Imagine if a gaming system had games.... novel concept right
  9. Over 100 posts in 3 days? Lmfao I don't even post that much.... farless for me quoting you 100 times You're fucking delusional bro. The only people who posts over 100 times per day are both you and Jehurey ...... You have literally quoted him over 100 times per day this week..... get a life kid. It's ok you don't have to respond
  10. Ma'am - "Ok I want the one that plays the next gen only games." Store Clerk - "Sorry ma'am they all play the same games from last gen"
  11. Sloooooowwww Jonny believes anyone who responds to him in a concise sentence instead of fanboy drivel is obsessed with him
  12. Looks good. Developers are really getting a hang on getting alot out of the Switch.
  13. Xbox doesn't even have its Halo rehash for launch
  14. and what is RE8? not the samething? I swear lemmings share the same single cell brain
  15. Is the prerequisite for being a lemming being purposely obtuse? Is it also being disingenuous? We already had this conversation about picking any stage in development for any game and you can find a stage where that game had issues. I already told your dumbass what dusk said is true as far as a game having issues during development (happens all the time) BUT he is making a bigger deal about it than it actually is BECAUSE of his lack of technical knowledge (which he admitted to)...... and the negative slant he gave it was because he wanted counter act the negative series X narr
  16. Lemmings always dismiss DF when it doesn't fit their narrative
  17. LemiJ and bis retarded logic I guess series X isn't powerful enough either seeing as all it's 1st party games for the first 2 to 3 years are cross gen, they had no choice to make it cross gen because series X was holding it back... lol
  18. I'm leaving forever guys, this place isn't fun and gamey anymore
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