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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Series X and S are now dead. Remember when DynamiteCop was 100% certain that Sony couldn't match series X price because Sony can't afford to take a loss om hardware?
  2. Everytime you say that they have nothing, they announce a new game. You're batting 0 for 4 Yes Remij that's what batting zero means .....you're not hitting anything....zero hits.
  3. @Remij Another Nintendo direct announced for tomorrow..... you're batting 0 for 4 now
  4. 1) Xbox1 was doing these numbers all 2020 before the announcement that it was discontinued. 2) One X and Sad are discontinued, One S is not discontinued.
  5. Aug Hardware sales. NSW: 504K (+109%) PS4: 197K (- 1%) XB1: 45K (- 50%) Xbox1
  6. pillow bhytre on his knees begging GD pretty please ... pathetic
  7. Bhytre - "I thank you for not banning me GD, I'll be a good little bitch boy now I promise "
  8. Bhytre - "Im begging you GD, I'll do anything not to be banned again please spare me.... please "
  9. Bhytre - "ppppllllease don't ban me again GD it would really hurt me if you do"
  10. Spiderman is Sony's biggest franchise and was number 10 by month 3....Again where you keep getting that TLOU2 is Sony's biggest game and should be doing COD numbers? Nintendo in general sells more first party games than Sony.... again.. where are you getting this expectation that TLOU2 would do better than Nintendo's evergreen titles?
  11. again you're back to this? What other game besides GTA stayed on the chart as long as BOTW?
  12. Why should it when no other Naughty Dog game came close to what COD or AC did numbers wise this year? You keep saying it should.... why should it? Who set that unrealistic expectation? No other game besides GTA and Pokémon have sold those numbers what AC and COD have sold this year. You're just retarded.
  13. The last two AC games sold more than 12 million.... EACH. But let's get back to this year. Let me say it again for you slowly. Which previous naughty dog game would have outsold COD and AC THIS YEAR....... THIS YEAR......again in case you missed it... THIS... YEAR. Not last year.. not year before... which Naughty dog game would have sold more than TLOU2? Oh yea... None.
  14. Sooooo... You're back to making claims that you JUST said you didn't make about it needing to outsell certain games in certain months?
  15. So none of Naughty Dog's games would have outsold COD or AC this year......... sooo why would you think this would? The only thing that would have outsold those two if they were released this year are GTA and maybe Pokémon and even Pokémon might have not done it.
  16. Which of Naughty Dog's previous games would have outsold COD and AC by the three month mark of its release. Go ahead... I'll wait
  17. Now he is back peddling. bbbbut I didn't literally say sales flop.... I just said it didn't sell well for a Naughty Dog game even though it's the best selling one this gen
  18. According to LemiJ...every game since March 2017 when BOTW released has performed terribly...... absolutely disgusting showing by the rest of the industry
  19. Sales flop you dense clown. CP2077 is a sales flop in the making its going to be outsold in a particular month by BOTW...... Yikes
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