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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Digital foundry Confirmed that they saw this console at MS headquarters since March. The also confirmed that it's essentially a 1080p console and as the gen goes on iy will run games at lower res than 1080p.
  2. So they discontinued the ONE X in favor of the Series S but now it can't play X enhanced games?
  3. Thoughts on Trump voting via mail for years (before COVID-19) but now what's the force people to vote in person during a pandemic?
  4. Unless Xbox starts selling like Switch and PS4 it wouldn't be worth it for devs to put in the extra work to optimize for two Xbox systems. One of them will get the short end of the stick. Either Series X will be held back or series S will struggle to keep up.
  5. how is this news, don't all console pamanufacturers take a loss at launch on hardware? Console manufacturers make lion share of money from software and services. They only make money off the hardware when overtime the cost of components go down as the gen goes on.
  6. Hey Genius... 3 + 6 doesn't equal a year You been saying the virus is fizzling out since May....and we're now at almost 200K deaths. Those are 200K Americans that are dead, It's just not a number its actual people. Trump him self said he knew it was serious and he admitted that he lied about it. You are so deep into the cult of Trump you actually believe it was a hoax to get at him... even when he admits he was lying.... you still believe the lie..... YIKES
  7. Xbox exclusives have been delayed for 7 years
  8. Darick Robertson the illustrator from the boys will be doing the illustrations for the game? Nice
  9. His contract was 126 million over 7 years... which works out to be 18 million a year. of that 126 million he got 39.4 million.... that left 86.6 Million. The NFL then gave him an additional 10 million... so that's 76.6 Million left. He currently makes 20 million a year (pre New EA deal)... which is more than he made in the NFL. So yes... he is winning
  10. Every other world leader (non dictator) was somehow able to warn their country of the. upcoming danger and instructed them to take the proper precautions. Trump started off by calling it a Hoax, nothing to worry about, it's no danger, you don't need masks, sunlight will kill it, it will disappear in the summer.. etc etc.... Bro the year isn't done yet and we're almost at 200K after only 6 months
  11. He won Ghostz, he is getting paid millions by Nike, Millions by EA, Got paid millions by The NFL and still hasn't played for minute on football in years.
  12. @Twinblade So now it's out that Trump has been lying to you on purpose from the beginning. Thoughts on him lying and costing almost 200K Americans to die in 6 months?
  13. The BLM rallies they wore masks.... for this rally they didn't. Big difference genius
  14. That book full of first hand details are all lies, but that one time John said Trump didn't disparage the Military is True. So that must mean Trump never disparaged the military when John Bolton wasn't in an ear shot to hear it. am I doing it right?
  15. Trump is on tape saying this...... so is this fake news as well? Fauci said Trunp never downplayed it IN HIS DISCUSSIONS WITH HIM (those discussions aren't in the public that's behind closed doors.) Trump is on tape admitting he knew it was serious but down played it to the public. So now that this is out that he knew it was serious.... Do you still think it was overblown by the media about how this pandemics is?
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