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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The only person who can save us from Trump is Trump
  2. They weren't involved in telling anyone break the Covid19 quarantine curfew. Anyone who broke it was arrested. She broke her country's rules and was also arrested. The end.
  3. Were they involved in telling protesters to break the Covid19 quarantine curfew rules? People who broke the rules got arrested in both scenarios.... She broke her countries rules and got arrested... you have no legs to stand on bro.
  4. Both parties were arrested for the illegal part of their actions. You have no legs to stand on.
  5. The lady got arrested for breaking her countries rules. NYC protesters got arrested for breaking the quarantine curfew rules. Ghostz - "That's shows you're a hypocrite"
  6. again im not surprised you lack basic reading comprehension skills NYC protesters were fined and arrested when they broke the Covid19 quarantine curfew rules. This lady was arrested for breaking her countries Covid19 rules as well. With organizing a MASK LESS GATHERING which is against her countries rules. In both instances both parties were punished for breaking the rules. The end.
  7. No ghostz.... as long as you wore a mask gatherings were allowed from May 21 through June 21st. I live in NYC, you don't. They instituted a curfew as well. No one was allowed to gather WITH OR WITHOUT masks after curfew. Guess what happened if you did? You got arrested or fined. The lady in the OP organized a mask less rally that's not allowed in her country and she got arrested just like the protesters that were out past curfew in NYC. After Curfew, Protesters Are Again Met With Strong Police Response in New York City Officers were
  8. The new order says all gatherings are permitted so long as social distancing rules, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols, are followed. Social distancing protocol. CDC recommends that people wear masks in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
  9. "After issuing the initial order, the governor was sued by the New York Civil Liberties Union, who claimed Cuomo did not have the right to determine what type of gatherings were permitted. The new order says all gatherings are permitted so long as social distancing rules, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols, are followed. It is in effect for 30 days, through June 21" @ghostz life matters
  10. The social distancing protocol states that masks should be worn in situations where you're unable to social distance.
  11. The gatherings weren't illegal in NYC, bybthe time Floyd was killed. In NYC you were allowed to gather as long as you were masked or had face coverings. The lady in the OP was organizing a MASK LESS gathering.... big difference
  12. May 22nd "The new order says all gatherings are permitted so long as social distancing rules, (which states that masks should be used in situations where social distancing is difficult) and cleaning and disinfecting protocols, are followed." May 28th "New York City has been the site of several protests against the killing of George Floyd since May 28, 2020" By the time Floyd was killed you could gather in NYC as long as the protocols were followed.
  13. If there were a mandate limiting public gatherings over a certain number.... anyone who broke that to gather over those numbers would get either fined or arrested.
  14. "his Trumpets are left confused because they just spent a week defending this and now their master tells them the cops was wrong."
  15. "his Trumpets are left confused because they just spent a week defending this and now their master tells them the cops was wrong."
  16. He also said the Cop choked and made a bad decision... When even Trump of all people say the police were wrong in this instance..... his Trumpets are left confused because they just spent a week defending this and now their master tells them the cops was wrong.
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