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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. 7.0 is considered game of the generation for lemmings
  2. Some random YouTube vid knows more than DF.... Lol Malaxries. Go select what gender you identify as in Starfield or something..
  3. No dip shit watch the DF video it's based off the PS4 version. Sugarhigh was going off his delusional shit about PS3 being stronger than Switch and I responded to him. Then You came in with your lack reading comprehension and shit
  4. You're reading between the lines when nothing was between the lines idiot. Not my fault cane read and comprehend basic English
  5. I realized reading is not your specialty... Based on PS4 version =/= equal to the PS4 version.
  6. Speaking of Skyrim ...on Switch it was based off the PS4 version. Ran better, with stable frame rate, zero screen tearing, more graphical features and higher res than the PS3 version. I rest my case
  7. No one is boasting that Switch is more powerful than a PS3 just pointing out the delusional of those that think it's not.
  8. Even TOTK wouldn't be possible on Ps3 with it's 512mb of ram. PS3 doesn't have the minimum required spec to run ANY modern engine. CPU, GPU functions, RAM capacity and speed are all below the spec.
  9. Jamal Murray and Wiggins would have helped.... But Tristan Thompson best days are behind him.
  10. CRYSIS 1-3 and UE4 engine games aren't more advanced that the last of us 1 on Ps3? How fucking delusional are you?
  11. All the UE4 games are more advanced than last of Us. CRYSIS 1-3 were more advanced than last of US. All the well done PS4/Xb1 ports were more advanced than the last of us. The Switch 2 will launch more powerful than PS4 and just like Switch 1 you will be delusional and deny it.
  12. The Switch launched more powerful than the previous Gen (PS3) . You act like you didn't see that
  13. They're not going to let you install your physical Switch 1 carts on the Switch 2 internal memory. After Switch 1 was hacked to hell and high Waters they're not opening that Pandoras box. Everything else you stated is possible, it just depends on how much Nintendo will throttle performance for the sake of batter life.
  14. Why would I be mad about FIBA? Lol When the US sends their 3rd rate team they deserve to lose, serves them right. Congratulations on the first medal, that was a genuine sentiment.
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