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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Two days later Twinblade still can't post the tangible plans
  2. Cooke posted that shit nonstop for months and now want to pretend he never said it
  3. Don't forget your greatest hits: its going to disappear in the summer. It only kills old people. The hot weather would kill it. Car crashes are worse than pandemics. It's no worse than a common flu. The lockdown wasn't needed. Let's just let it run wild. and on and on and on
  4. Lmfao Sony isn't copying Microsoft. They're just upping their internal studios. They're not about to start pumping out 6.0 gamepass filler trash
  5. no for real you literally were posting that type of shit for MONTHS..... how is anyone supposed to know you're joking now when that was the shit you posted seriously for so long?
  6. Lmfao... Yes im. showing you how ridiculous you sound.... glad you agree... I mean you do believe it was justified in him getting shot in his back 7 times for this situation. So if that's justified then you would be OK with each time a cop gets into it with someone while arresting them that they should be shot in the back 7 times bro you're beyond Naive.... look at the above video... why wasn't he shot? I mean he rushed the cop, he fought back, stole a car etc..... tried to run him over. Not one shot fired. People fight back against the cops
  7. Cooke you been saying dumb shit like that for months now...
  8. Bro, if you think 7 shots in the back is justified in this situation you better not ever become a cop.....your first shift would end with multiple civilians getting 7 to 10 shots in the back. And then when a deadly threat actually happens you'll start racking up the head shots like it's out of style.
  9. That was a normal flu season like he claimed?
  10. Twinblade seven shots in the back? seriously now... for an unarmed man? really? How many shots in the back you think it takes to stop one man? Those cops in the video need better training, if they felt the need to shoot a man 7 times in his back for this particular situation.
  11. Twinblade has yet to post the tangible plans he claimed Trump has
  12. You guys seem to think that we're saying he is not guilty, that he shouldn't be arrested that he should not have been subdued.... no one is saying that. Shooting him in HIS BACK SEVEN TIMES AT POINT BLANK RANGE is still not justified in this situation bro.
  13. Which flu season killed 170k plus Americans and counting in 5 months?
  14. Him being arrested is justified as I said from jump. Him being shot 7 times in the back at point blank range wasn't justified. Just like the guy that was chased down and killed by those three guys... you thought that was justified too Keep trying though
  15. No one bit your bait... so now you edited the title and changed the OP to try to get some hits...... Talk about desperate and now you're trying to claim that we said he was innocent.... said from jump arrest his ass, use your baton, subdue his ass etc for his crimes.... but keep trying though
  16. Tell us how you really feel bro... you're almost there
  17. What Power... what Majesty.... How last gen
  18. Yea I saw that.... guess no one bit with this one... so he tried again with the other thread
  19. Sooo Instead of actually answering the question you dodge it List Trump's tangible plans to accomplish what you claimed. You claimed he had plans, let's actually see these tangible plans bro. Im waiting. And now you're making a baseless claim Biden 8 years were the one worse economic slumps ever? Let's look at the facts shall we? When Barack Obama became president, he inherited the economy of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Don't forget... Bush ran us into the ground. When Obama became president, he i
  20. Hey incase you didn't notice we are in the middle of a pandemic. Trump saying he wants those things back isn't a tangible plan, that's just lip service. a tangible plan would detail how he plans to accomplish this DURING A PANDEMIC AND POST PANDEMIC. before America can get those things back to where they were the pandemic has to. be dealt with head on. Trump's plan of doing less testing and suppressing the Data from the public is akin to putting your head in the sand. So again, what are his TANGIBLE PLANS.... how does he PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH t
  21. really, who cares? You cared enough to post fake numbers.
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