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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Cooke why do you always double down on shit you know nothing about? First you didn't know that Batman predates Tony stark by DECADES.... now you're doubling down that Batman is small time? In justice league Canon Batman knows every single weakness of every single super hero and has contingency plans to defeat every single one of them incase they go Rouge. Matter of fact I think there was an ark where the supers were being controlled and Batman defeated all of them.
  2. From your own link. Here is the Biden said. “Love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. And light is more powerful than dark.” Here is the line you claim he plagiarized. “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair." That's a stretch bro
  3. Yet in this same universe of movies Batman defeated superman. It's clear you are clueless into what actually makes Batman a superhero Nothing you typed there has anything to do with you being wrong about how the Justice league movie turned Bqatman into Iron man. When in fact the Iron man character is literally Bruce Wayne in a nano suit.
  4. No it's what don't you get. Batman has always been the rich comic book superhero with expensive gadgets Decades before Tony stark/iron man was even a thing.
  5. Lmfao.... Ghostz is soo clueless. He thinks UE can't be updated on any platform because of this? The only people getting shafted will be iOS and Mac users.
  6. Fox news got so used to Trump's deranged speeches that they were floored by Biden's articulation and delivery
  7. @jehurey Remember when DynamiteCop said that Wiiu owners got screwed because there was a Switch version of BOTW on launch day (yea retarded ass logic the Wiiu version wasn't canceled and was released) Now Halo Finite which was promised to the X1 base for years..... is about to be canned and ONLY releases on Next gen.....X1 owners got shafted... hard
  8. "Half the “key speakers” at the Republican National Convention this week are Trumps" (and Jared Kushner)
  9. "As many as 215,000 more people than usual died in the U.S. during the first seven months of 2020, suggesting that the number of lives lost to the coronavirus is significantly higher than the official toll......... The new figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" Soooo you were saying?
  10. That looks much much better than what we got in theaters
  11. You're currently still begging for blood born on PC
  12. Those same games you were literally begging for 3 yr old ports of and your currently still begging for a 4 year port of a PS4 game
  13. The virgins on this board are exposing themselves
  14. So first you try to downplay over 170K deaths as "Mainstream fanning the Covid flames".... that got shut down. Then you claimed the article doesn't state they are trying to suppress the data when in fact moving it away from the CDC to the HHS is suppressing the data from the public. Now you're saying just because they are suppressing the data from the public it doesn't mean they're messing with the numbers..... let's see what is actually happening. "officials warned a day later that issues with the reporting system were causing an undercount."
  15. So first you claim I made it up. Then you claim the link provided didn't speak to it. Now you're claiming it doesn't count because it's From the NY times? lmfao. Fox News Hospital coronavirus data to bypass CDC for Trump administration database in Washington the change will hinder the work of medical researchers, modelers and officials because, unlike coronavirus data published by the CDC, the data stored by Health and Human Services will not be readily accessible by the public. four former CDC directors – who served du
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