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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Like I said.. I can't help your delusions bro.... but keep looking over your shoulder with your fragile Lemming persecution complex and keep riding that Jerry go round for 50 plus pages though
  2. Guiz Pwease stop bullying the lemmings... your obsession with them unhealthy... think about their feelings... MS flopping has hurt their soul
  3. Everyone calls you LemiJ bro that didn't start with me . I wasn't complaining about you and your ways.... just calling it out.... unlike you... you don't see me crying about people talking shit about Nintendo... it's system wars bro. "bbbbut Jon and DynamiteCop left... so I was your next target " Lmfao at the fragile lemming persecution complex. Once you and Jehurey start your 50 page merry go round shit.... I like everyone else leaves the thread. I would come back hours later and you and him would still be going
  4. What I love about lemmings is they can dish it but they can never take it. Do you hear yourself? "bbbbut once I started to defend MS and Xbox1, I was a target... please stop... you guys are obsessed" What makes you guys sooo fragile? It's videogames, do you guys take Xbox flopping personally? Does it hurt your soul? Grow a pair of balls bro... its called System Wars. We all talk shit. Nintendo was the butt of all jokes during the Wiiu era... Sony was the Butt of all Jokes during PS3. Now MS is the b
  5. Look at these two.. The game is basically complete, I'm not concerned, the game is fine stop being drama Queens.
  6. XSex is so easy to develop for that Halo Finite got delayed and might get canned
  7. Bro. It's clear you're delusional. You want to go back and try to rewrite history to suit your narrative. I was a mod for over a year on this board when everyone came back, I created the thread to funnel all the political discussions there because it was getting out of hand. GD and I did that for over a year just fine (moving and merging all the threads the "all star cast" was creating) Everything was contained in that one thread. First you claimed that I was constantly making or posting political threads, now you're agreeing that I didn't make many political threa
  8. "I got banned at SW again guys, I'm never going back there ......again....for reals this time.... im. gone... for good...its true... believe me... they can't survive without me, look at my charisma "
  9. Create another thread to cry about constantly getting banned for the same rules you wanted Bbbut it's not fair to the "all stars".... what about our "charisma" guiz?
  10. I got Blazers. All. they have to do is win. The other teams have to do win and hope the other lose too.
  11. The facts don't back you up bro 2014 Nintendo 1st Sony 8th https://www.metacritic.com/feature/game-publisher-rankings-for-2014-releases 2015 Sony 3rd Nintendo 6th https://www.metacritic.com/feature/game-publisher-rankings-for-2015-releases 2016 Nintendo 3rd Sony 4th https://www.metacritic.com/feature/game-publisher-rankings-for-2016-releases 2017 Nintendo 2nd Sony 7th https://www.metacritic.com/feature/game-publisher-rankings-for-2017-releases
  12. Nintendo has them beat in quality too.
  13. RaniK, JONB, Bhytre, DynamiteCop, SheepKilla, Vinni and crew
  14. #Facts. 99.99999% of the Jerry go rounds involve Remij. That's why I started calling his role in Jerry go round the "Lemij selt ownage train" (it runs express and never stops... Choo Choo) because he constantly complains about Jerry go rounds.... yet he would spends pages upon pages upon pages ridding it. The lack of self awareness by him was and still is hilarious
  15. Man that E-grudge you have runs so deep that you resort to making shit up. When everyone came back to System wars...and Politics threads were being posted in between game threads. I was the one who created the Political thread and stickied it. And GD and I would move all political discussion into that one thread. Even after I was not a mod, I have yet to create ONE POLITICAL THREAD outside of the designated areas, be it the thread or the political board. You can count the political threads I've made on your fingers and they alll created were in the d
  16. The same all-star cast of charismatic posters he is referring too
  17. "the pure thing about what Nintendo does, is they think about games, and they think about their hardware and their platform all as one thing, and build those experiences – and I know the teams there pretty well – and I think it's magical the way they're able to create a complete Nintendo experience on their devices, and this experience I'm looking at right here, in my hands, on my Switch, is Animal Crossing. From the Switch running it to the game itself to the way you go to other peoples islands..." Phil Spencer owns a Switch and plays animal crossing
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