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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. All three serves two markets. PS4 serves the Console and VR market. Xbox serves the Console and PC market. Nintendo serves the Console and Handheld Market.
  2. Bro I think you're legit brain dead. Nintendo has always served two markets, this isn't something new of them serving two markets. Switch is making them more money as one device service two markets than two devices serving two markets. You are trying to fault the Switch for being a device that has more mass market appeal than PS4 and Xbox. That's some dumbass DynamiteCop logic if I've ever seen it myself.
  3. AC was a hugely successful franchise even before Switch was even thought off
  4. Bro again.... Switch was designed as a hybrid, it wasn't a fluke.... it's doing what is was meant to do. It's Hilarious the semantics you're going through to say the Switch isn't a success Nintendo just broke the record that Sony just made a few days ago. Both are extremely successful. Lmfao at you trying to downplay that.
  5. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuutut if this and if that Reality is... Switch is here... it was designed as Hybrid and it's a success..... deal with it
  6. Lmfao you think AC sold that because of a pandemic? Yea the pandemic helped add a few million on there.... but it would have sold that about 20 million anyway Zelda, Smash, Mario, Kart and Pokemon all heading towards 20 million sold before the pandemic hit. Historically AC sells more than all. those franchises (Except for Pokémon) on average. So given how those franchises sold on Switch and How AC sold in the past, it was bound to sell 20 million regardless of a pandemic or not.
  7. Nintendo has always served two markets and are making more money now with Switch as one device serving two markets than they did serving two markets with two systems. Switch is a success no matter how you spin it
  8. Yes the Hybrid nature of the Switch is its major selling point.... That's the entire point of the Switch.... the flexibility of a hybrid.... it took you 3 years to realize this?
  9. Thanks for proving my point. Both Nintendo and Sony combined their resources to make one product. The only difference is Sony made a dedicated Console and Nintendo Made a Hybrid. Sony is breaking their own internal records and making more money than they every did. Nintendo is breaking industry records and making more money than they ever did. So the notion that the Switch is a "perceived" success is beyond retard
  10. The resources that Sony poured into this handheld market for Vita and PSP. When Sony left that market, where did those resources go? (1st party Developers, Budgets etc)
  11. Sony just announced the biggest profits in gaming history in a non holiday quarter last week. A few days later... Nintendo surpassed that. Operating income this Quarter (Gaming) Nintendo: 144.737 billion yen Sony (gaming division) 124 billion yen MS:
  12. MS had years to prepare. The fact that they had nothing next gen, that's shows horrible planning
  13. Lighting is not only about reflections Which current gen system can pull off fully ray traced environments?
  14. and yet you're still here. You can do like Slow Jonny and "leave" too
  15. Look at that entire wall of tears... Yikes You are hurt.. big time. Stop blaming others for you being a shit poster, that's all on you bro. Everyone is seeing it now... how many times have you been banned recently? How many people are calling you out for your shitty posting now? You even admitted to being a shit poster. Let me guess... its everyone else's fault, everyone is wrong but you're right All those pages upon pages long rides that you took in your self ownage train on the Jerry go round has really warped your brain. It
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