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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. "Small titles don't sell on PS4. I heard it was bad but holy fuck this is no even close to the sales we're achieving on Switch"
  2. Before I jump off the LemiJ self ownage train two things. 1) That's not why Cooke isn't an admin anymore... Alphonse demodded Cooke because he had went off the deep end with his posts that weren't becoming as an admin 2) Like I said before I knew you couldn't handle being a mod... thanks for reconfirmation - "bbbbut I wanted to give up" Anyway... time for me to jump off the LemiJ self ownage train because it's about to collide with the Jerry go round. You and Jehurey have fun trying to get the last word on on each other
  3. Those are your actions and your posts, those are your actual posts im quoting.... Look at how hurt your are
  4. 4 million plus sold and counting. Sold more than most Xbox1 games this gen
  5. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuut Switch still sells more indie titles than both PS4 and Xbox1
  6. Do you hear yourself? LemiJ - "Im sooo butthurt im going to spam every thread guys, I'm in so much pain and anguish "
  7. Who hurt you bro? That butthurt is off the charts. You just admitted you plan to fuck up every thread because you're in pain?
  8. what Xbox games would you like to post about? I seem to remember everyone having a grand old time laughing at Halo
  9. The funny thing is the champions of the new rules are the ones who are getting banned the most
  10. I know right Im leaving guys.... no seriously... for real real.... im not coming back... this time... again... starting now.... oh wait... no I mean this time I'm leaving for sure.... believe me
  11. Slow Jonny mad not reading that wall of text
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