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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You say that as if he was some sort of quality poster. All he did was shit post, bait (terribly at that too) and end each post with Dumbo.
  2. Really? who's doing that? @Alphonse
  3. Difference is ports are secondary on Switch. Switch doesn't depend on ports to survive. Meanwhile on PC that's its bread and butter. Begging for ports from other systems is PCs main gaming diet
  4. PC only had Half life and nothing else but begging for games from other systems Xenoblade Remastered also did over a million this Qtr
  5. This fool can't catch a break these past few weeks. First Halo looked like trash... now this is actually trash?
  6. Launch aligned after 61 months; Switch: 61.44 Million PS4: 60 Million Xbox1: Operating income this Quarter (Gaming) Nintendo: 144.737 billion yen Sony (gaming division) 124 billion yen MS: 6 titles are in the 18 to 26 million sold range. Mario Kart - 26.74 million Animal Crossing - 22.40 Million Smash - 19.99 Million BOTW - 18.60 Million Pokémon Sword & Shield - 18.22 Million Mario Odyssey - 18.06 Million 9 titles are in the 10 million sold range.
  7. almost 160, 000 Americans dead in about 5 months.... you consider that fear mongering?
  8. They tested positive MID July... its now the first week of August..... It takes weeks, sometimes over a month or more to die from Covid-19. Like I Said... you're still ignorant to this virus.... All those kids will now infect their parents and relatives.....
  9. How COVID-19 Raced Through a Georgia Summer Camp "Nearly 600 young campers and counselors attended the camp in late June, and of the 344 who were tested for COVID-19, 76% tested positive by mid-July" A Summer Camp Covid-19 Outbreak Offers Back-to-School Lessons A CDC report from a Georgia hot spot illuminates just how easily kids can spread coronavirus, adding to our understanding of kids’ role in transmission. https://www.wired.com/story/a-summer-camp-covid-19-outbreak-offers-back-to-school-lessons/ You were saying?
  10. Hey Retard, those kids don't live in a bubble and will infect their friends and families which will in turn increase the spread across this country and which in turn will increase the death toll. So again, tell me which Flu season killed almost 160, 000 and counting in 5 months?
  11. Bro you are legit retarded, Tell me which flu season killed almost 160,000 Americans in almost 5 months
  12. Hey retard you don't have to be seriously sick to spread COVID-19 (Asymptomatic) . We're six months into this and some of you are still so ignorant. Those are virtually ZERO risk? wtf.... bro anyone can get Coronavirus, anyone can loose their long capacity, heart issues and other organ issues post Covid19. You cannot still be this ignorant in August, it's been around since Feb.
  13. So these kids... do they live by themselves? or do they have siblings, Mothers? Fathers? Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Friends, cousins etc. So one kid catches it, spreads it to the entire school and then each kid brings it home...and spreads to their parents, siblings and grandparents? Etc Then what? Either they get sick and die.. or if they don't die they're left with lifetime damage to their organs and earn a two week stay in the ICU in intubation because they can't breathe on their own. Or yea and all their friends with some underlying cons
  14. "Question for the Lem-kids" LemiJ answers at least you finally stopped pretending that you're not a lemming
  15. Hey retard.... 1st off, I never claimed excessive force automatically means murder. But when excessive force directly leads to the person dying in your custody, then that has to be investigated and tried in court. and lmfao at you labeling this as a "Big concept"....you probably think the cognitive test is a hard test too right?
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