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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Hey retard you're proving my point. SWITCH was more powerful than the previous generation at launch (PS3/360) but not as powerful as PS4. Switch 2 will be more powerful then last gen af launch (PS4) but not as powerful as current gen PS5. Which will put it ahead of steam deck and that's why you're shook
  2. Nice self ownage. That thread was about Wiiu being closer to Wii than 360. The Wiiu came out and surprise to no one, it was more powerful than 360.
  3. This is my expectations too. Portable will be at deck or slightly better due to the Switch NVN2 letting devs code down to the metal. + Nvidia's RT solutions and DLSS are both better than what AMD offers. With docked experience being better than what deck can do.
  4. Lmfao. They might as well just keep the orginal Switch genius. If you think it's going to be such a small increase.
  5. Wait don't you expect that Switch 2 to be more powerful than PS3 but less powerful than PS4? Aka same ballpark as Switch 1?
  6. The Switch 2 is supposed to be fully BC.. People will be bringing their libraries forward
  7. Super Nintendo Switch Updated info* "Another VGC source claimed that Nintendo showcased Epic’s impressive The Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 tech demo – originally released to showcase the power of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2021 – running on target specs for its next console. The demo is said to have been running using Nvidia’s DLSS upscaling technology, with advanced ray tracing enabled and visuals comparable to Sony and Microsoft’s current-gen consoles." Comparable =/= on par with neither does it mean more powerful than.
  8. 78 posts of slow Jonny losing his shit No wonder she left him, he's a raving lunatic
  9. Epic slow Jonny meltdown, 77 posts and counting. No games + his wife and son leaving really broke him Poor guy.
  10. Slow Jonny making up shit to justify him spending the holiday weekend posting over 150 times on System Wars Maybe if you cared more about your family and less about your Xbox your family wouldn't have left you
  11. Keep spending weekends on SW slow Jonny, im sure your wife and kid will come back home to you... One day
  12. Lost your family over Xbox only for Xbox to abandon you too. That's rough. Hey at least you have your SW family and you spent alot of quality time with them this past holiday weekend
  13. It's a holiday weekend, the least you could do is spend it with your wife and kid.... Ohhh wait they left you No wonder you spent the weekend on SW posting over 150 times.... Yiiiiikes.
  14. Zelda has both the highest scoring (tied with BDG3) and highest selling SM2 will likely outsell most games on one platform this year outside of Zelda.
  15. You did over a months worth of posting in one weekend that's an Epic Meltdown, 7 on the Richter scale
  16. Slow Jonny with almost 70 posts in thoa thread, 30 something in a few others individually... that's just over 150 posts for the holiday weekend.... Yikkkkes. Spending your entire weekend on SW
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