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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuut
  2. The Xbox brand is in a constant state of Decay
  3. Shocker a lemming immediately damage controlled
  4. Bro... That fool was bashing a controller demo for not being optimized for the SSD. A freaking CONTROLLER DEMO Meanwhile Halo had pop in, looked like trash and he is like "bbbbut the time of day"
  5. The showcase was trash, the games look like balls, Zero games were shown running on Series X hardware. Meanwhile, Sony showed off numerous games running on PS5 hardware and had games that actually looked next-gen. Sounds like Series X is in trouble if 5 months out from launch they can't show a single game running on the hardware. They out engineered themselves and will have to rework the hardware.
  6. Bro.. just stop it. You forgot all those baseless PS5 is in serious trouble, it's overheating, the have to redesign it, Sony out engendered themselves, the PS5 showcase games look like something that could run on PS4 Pro, the MS showcase will be the death of all PS5 hype, the 12tf of power will be on display at the MS showcase BS that you were spewing for months? What happened to all of that?
  7. You're so pathetic. When Sony didn't show PS5 as yet, you were convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that it wasn't ready, it was overheating, they didn't realize that the form factor had to change.. etc.. on and on and on But now that MS didn't actually show any games running on Series X.... you put your head in the sand and pretend everything is ok?
  8. I said something similar in the other thread. They list PS5, Series X.... and Switch? That was a weird paring of systems.
  9. Why are you showing us what you do to your Xbox bro? Yuck
  10. Stop the bullshit you hypocrite. That's the same logic you used with anything PS5 related but now you want to all of a sudden be reasonable because the Xbox showcase was Trash? When MS flops you're like "Ok guys calm down let's not overreact here " But when Sony showed off a Controller demo, you were going off the rails because the demo wasn't optimized for the SSD.. lol
  11. Yes I think they changed their messaging after the PS5 event. Only hardcore gamers will know Series X is 12tf and PS5 is 10tf and all that Jazz. The mass market gaming population only cares about what's on the screen and perceived value. Series X only having cross gen titles for 2 years while PS5 has games that were built from the ground up for it will lead to series X looking like it's a Gen behind for two years. By the time Series X only games come out in late 2022 it will be too late to change the perception that PS5 is stronger. MS was
  12. @DynamiteCop! and slooooooooow Jonny were so sure that PS5 was in trouble and the system needed a full rework... Turns out it was series X all along
  13. ohh please stop. You were acting like a complete toddler after the PS5 showcase and even worse after the controller demo.
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