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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Sales Figures, Excel Spreadsheets, AAe and AAAe bangers.... Sheeo Life
  2. Sloooooowwww Jonny would be proud... he bought one for every room in his house
  3. The. first one was Janky too just like the sequel
  4. LemiJ even an Xbox executive mixed up the two machines in a public tweet. If he can do that imagine what casuals will do
  5. Xbox One X and Xbox Series X will Wiiu alot of casual consumers
  6. you can't help yourself can you?
  7. I mean Switch games are selling gangbusters and the hardware is setting records... so yes in general "no one cares" about the emulation like that
  8. Janky just like the cult classic original
  9. He can read posts right on this board and get that conclusion
  10. Yes it matters if it was an investment because it was a planned "debt" in a long term strategy. Their strategy is going as planned. Yes it's a crazed proposition because the rights for Batman aren't currently up for sale. Comic book IPs value are at an all time high now. Sony and Fox got lucky and were able to purchase long term deals with Marvel for the rights to Spiderman, X-men and Fantastic four. Those deals were cut when Comic book IPs were at an all time low. No way in hell is Marvel or any other rights holder to comic IPs will ever do a deal
  11. That "debt" was an investment aka Purchase of direct TV, Time Warner and to roll out 5G (which is ongoing) They're not losing money... they're already seeing 25 to 30 billion a year so far from those purchases and they expect that to increase as time does on... and they're currently worth 216 Billion dollars. Not only that, the rights to Batman don't belong to the WBIE, MS would just be purchasing a development/publishing studio. Keep dreaming that MS will get batman exclusively
  12. On Point. Unless MS is going to purchase Warner Brothers, they're not getting access to Batman exclusively. Lemming pipe dreams
  13. Lemmings are back to their fantasies thinking they would get the rights to Batman exclusively.
  14. That was tried before. That then morphed into the sub board. The same posters who would constantly post their threads outside the political threads are the same ones who would constantly post political shit outside the political board.
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