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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Android Limited access to clipboard data "Unless your app is the default input method editor (IME) or is the app that currently has focus, your app cannot access clipboard data" Just like I said, Apple is a year late and a dollar short
  2. Ghostz is clueless yet again. On Android you don't have to wait for an OS update to get a security update. on Android you get security updates MONTHLY independently of OS updates. Epic thread backfire
  3. the researchers found the following iOS apps were reading users’ clipboard data every time the app was opened with no clear reason for doing so..... Yiiikkkkkes ABC News — com.abcnews.ABCNews Al Jazeera English — ajenglishiphone CBC News — ca.cbc.CBCNews CBS News — com.H443NM7F8H.CBSNews CNBC — com.nbcuni.cnbc.cnbcrtipad Fox News — com.foxnews.foxnews News Break — com.particlenews.newsbreak New York Times — com.nytimes.NYTimes NPR — org.npr.nprnews ntv Nachrichten — de.n-tv.n-tvmobil Reuters — com.thomsonreuters.Reuters
  4. Apple late to the party again. I love how ghostz assumes because this affects Apple that it also still affects Android too. "Google already updated this SDK and since July 2019 all new releases of this SDK have stopped reading the clipboard on launch." Google addressed this last summer.... Apple is literally a year late. i-tards had they info stolen left and right in a ton of apps.
  5. Isn't their new browser built off of Chrome or uses Chromium or something? doubled checked and Yea Edge runs on the Chromium engine. When I updated to the new edge my work programs thinks the new edge is Chrome.
  6. bbbbut I didn't believe the bullshit spoilers... believe me I didn't..... I hated it so much... I pre-ordered it, paid full price day 1, couldn't put the game down for 7 days straight and played it to completion...... TAKE THAT NAUGHTY DOG THAT WILL SHOW YOU
  7. You believed the other ridiculous spoilers too. You also expected them to address this at the state of play You sure them your hate by being a launch day consumer
  8. Yea because you thought they would damage control the ridiculous shit that was out there (that turned out to be fake)... you were so disappointed when they didn't You showed time how mad you were by not being able to out the game down for a week straight... you showed them
  9. Yea you watched that too because you hate it so much
  10. You're counted in that 4 million....pre-ordered, launch day purchase... you really showed ND how much you hate the game... good on you
  11. LemiJ first to front lines of the lemming defense force.... responding within milli seconds of the OP
  12. I mean you bought an Xbox1 last gen and that was 25% less powerful AND COST $100 MORE.... so tell us.. how cucked did you get?
  13. Apple tards mind's are going to be blown away when they FINALLY get "always on" lock screen widgets in 2030..... I mean look at them going nuts for shit from 12 years ago
  14. Hey retard, you don't have to download separate widgets on Android. Any App you download already comes with a widget. You then choose to either put the app in the app drawer, put the app on your home page or put the widget or both. The app widget overview page is a relic because that hasn't been used in years. You guys are copying sooo late you went to something not used anymore It's always hilarious seeing Apple retards who have no clue how shit works and then try to justify the shit apple is now copying a million years later as something new
  15. Still can't hear you... too busy laughing at you celebrating that you're getting features 12 years after me
  16. Can't hear you im too busy running 3 to 4 apps at once p-i-p. Apple late to the party and a dollar short
  17. Lmfao Ghostz lmfao You were saying?
  18. You're so clueless with everything... my goodness..... hey if you have to lie to yourself to feel better about iPhone getting features 12 years later then knock yourself out bro.
  19. Revolutionary, AMAZING, spectacular, Apple cum on ghostz
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