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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. LemiJ "bbbbut you don't understand rhe sheer scope of this game, nothing compares... Unlimited number planets to explore in a space"
  2. The minimum wage in CT now is 14....what was it a few years ago when the new college grad was making 16 an hr? Update* I looked it up, minimum wage in CT was 10 an hr before the incremental increase law passed in 2019 and before that in 2017 it was even lower. Entry level Jobs for college grads exist simply to give them experience to get the higher paying jobs. In a year or two that college grad salary doubles from 16 to 32 when a better position and then the next year or two with another better position they're making around 48 or ao an hr. If that college
  3. 17 by 2028. The federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hr. Which 4 year degree do you graduate with to start of at minimum wage?
  4. And scale bound was canceled A decade with no games... Yikkkkes
  5. Bro you were just hyping Mario wonder.... Be a little consistent and stop being a hypocrite.
  6. 87 For a game that was hyped to this magnitude that's a flop. The scores will drop further once edge and others review it
  7. 3rd rate game. Worse than Nintendo exclusives, Spiderman and Ratchet are better games.... The best lemmings could expect
  8. We're talking Critical flop genius. They sold you on space exploration and it's just a screen saver in the background
  9. They lied to lemmings for 7 years. "Not about exploring space freely, its about fast travelling to locations and talking to NPCs."
  10. Given the hype, the years in development, what was at stake for the Xbox brand? Yes
  11. Remij logged on saw it flopped and ran away
  12. Meta isn’t gamerankings, fansites hold little weight in the average. But again that's not the point.. You of course missed the point of my post... Lol
  13. Both BDG3 and TOTK are siting on a 96 Meta TOTK has twice the number of reviews though... As more reviews come in BDG3's avg has slowly dipped. Anyways the point of my orginal post wasn't TOTK vs BDG3. The point was this year already had such high quality bangers that Starfield had a high bar to clear.
  14. On the digital stores like PSN the 3rd party Publisher decides the price. The publisher can put the game on sale at PSN at anytime. At retail with physical it's up to the Best buy, Amazon, GameStop etc what price they sell it at. They decide when to put it in sale.
  15. Noooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Slow Jonny & LemiJ "bbbbut Early reports say this game is bug free "
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