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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Lemmings - developers know shit, we know better.
  2. For once Slow Jonny was reasonable, he said one week delay. DynamiteCop on the other hand... his dumbass made it out to be that PS5 was in huge trouble, the system isn't ready and they're lying
  3. So you're currently playing zero games and have a 6 month wait for the games you listed..... Droouuuuugggghhhhhttttt. Switch already had two AAAes this year bro
  4. what new Xbox games have you been playing? and what Xbox games are you looking for to?
  5. Rest of 2020 for Switch New Paper Mario RPG No More Heroes 3 Bravely Default 2 Deadly. Premonition 2 Persona 5S BOTW 2 Man... what a tough rest of the year
  6. Minecraft sells on anything, it sold over a million on Vita for crying our loud. What MS did with Minecraft was the one smart thing they have done after purchasing a dev....THEY LET THEM KEEP DOING WHAT MADE THEM SUCCESSFUL.
  7. what slow Jonny is trying to say is that lemming ownage is old news.
  8. Yea it's funny... it also proves the game was really a 6 until years later when it had enough content and improvements to be an 8.
  9. You were just saying the game sucks, you hate it
  10. oh now the GS review counts... lol
  11. dreams of MS buying platinum crushed. dreams of Bayonetta 2 going multi-plat crushed. dreams of Bayonetta 3 going multi-plat crushed.
  12. That would be a terrible port job. This game is a port and it's terrible. Its a terrible port. again not my fault you're a mental midget desperate for any argument you can get into.
  13. Threads that I wasn't even it, you're crying for my attention, riding my dick from long distance... It obvious how obsessed you are
  14. But lemmings told us when MS said they literally wanted their games on everything that they didn't mean literally everything
  15. You're so obsessed you only have eyes for me and only think about me... I wasn't even in this thread... seek help kid... yikes
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