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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You claimed it would be better than Spiderman 2 Let's see now that pans out.
  2. You were right on the money. TOTK with the right hook and Boulders gate 3 with the left hook.... Set the bar waaaay to High for Starfield. Lemmings
  3. Floooooop at least you have Forza 25 to look forward too
  4. No wonder they held back the game reviews from Edge, Eurogamer and others that give tough reviews
  5. slow Jonny was so confident he sold his Xbox. @Tears of the Cows won't be posting here for a long time either
  6. Same thing happened with FFXV. Most 3rd party games see a small price cut within 2 months.
  7. And POOF @Cooke dumbass is gone. In his pea brain this post by Remy never happened. In a few weeks Cooke will post a similar thread about this same topic, with his same brain dead stance as if you never responded to him and curb stomped his BS into the ground. Rinse and Repeat. It's like Retarded Ground hog day with him.
  8. If MS was putting out Banger after Banger after Banger then yes. That increase from Sony is nuts though.
  9. Nothing on Xbox for a long time touched a nerve
  10. This thread isn't about the last decade of Xbox.
  11. Yes it was somewhat poorly phrased but when you see the full answer he clearly spoke about his concern for the US.
  12. The question was literally about his alleged concern for Ukraine/tanks over his concern for the US cities. Pence addressed the two part question in two parts. That tanks in Ukraine aren't his concern and then he expressed his concern for the US cities. I'm not even a fan of Pence. His and Tucker's assessment of the state of the US are both way off. But Im not letting my dislike of both get in the way of what was actually said. The clip was purposely cut short to dupe folks and here you come being duped
  13. You cannot be this dense Pence addressed the "tank concern" and then he literally agreed with Tuckers' assessment of the cities.. "that not my concern, I've heard that routine from you before" (This about the tanks) "I'm running for President of the United States" (he goes on to agree that cities are failing and says his focus will be to improve that) He then circles back to Ukraine and says America is so great we can do both, support Ukraine and improve our cities. Mr. Short YouTube clips lmfao.
  14. My god you are stupid "That's not my concern" was a response to Tucker saying his concern was about the tanks. The rest of Pence's response answers the 2nd part of the question of Tucker's framing of the cities... In which Pence addresses that as well. The YouTube clip you posted cuts off his full answer to Tucker's multi level loaded question. See this what happens when you dumb ass relies on short YouTube clips for news.. Fucking idiot
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