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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. There is currently no vaccine or treatment for this. What's going to stop a 2nd wave from happening?
  2. actually he said "if we're not prepared, it could be bad" It all depends on the measures put into place moving forward. A second round of the coronavirus is "inevitable," the nation's top infectious disease doctor says, but just how bad it is will depend on the progress the US makes in the coming months. "If by that time we have put into place all of the countermeasures that you need to address this, we should do reasonably well," Dr. Anthony Fauci said. "If we don't do that successfully, we could be in for a bad fall and a bad winter." and no
  3. The burden of proof for YOUR OWN CLAIMS are on you sloooow Jonny.
  4. no proof as akways from Sloooooowwww Jonny
  5. Yes everyone bites. Ghostz can't accept that Apple is no longer the innovate leader and for the last 6 years has just been following trends instead of setting trends. and you hit the nail on the head with Tim Cooke, dude has no innovative vision and simply has Apple now riding waves instead of leading the pack with innovations.
  6. Yes Holy Ax, one person looses multiple family members, friends and coworkers in a few weeks.... Every single day... The people die everyday so let's just an epidemic run wild is the most ignorant take on this pandemic. People die everyday... so let's do nothing to Reduce the amount deaths from this
  7. post the proof bro You never post links and you never post proof to back up your claims.
  8. bump those threads where they said the XSEX GPU advantage means nothing (in the terms of hardware performance, not sales) and it's a waste. Go ahead... I'll wait.
  9. Funny how you only believe news that conforms to your confirmation biases
  10. Bro can you stop trolling for a second? In the span of a few weeks People have lost family members, friends and coworkers who would be alive today if it wasn't for this pandemic.
  11. not knocking what you're saying but Vitamin D deficiency is very very common. Im sure if you take a look at any other virus you would see that most of the people who died also had vitamin D deficiency. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the reason they died. But I'll agree with you on this.... it doesn't hurt to try this one because at least you can't die from making sure you have the right levels of vitamin D.
  12. How many PS5 SSD threads have the lemmings made to try to convince themselves that the SSD advantage doesn't matter at all? Do you see any cows making threads saying that XSEX GPU advantage doesn't matter? nope... not one. But yet somehow lemmings are so insecure about PS5 having a better SSD that they have to write fan fiction novels hoping and praying it doesn't make a difference
  13. not saying my Camera magically got bumped to GS20 levels, im saying that the S20 optimizations were back ported to the GS10 line so the camera performance is even better now compared to when the review happened.
  14. My phone recently got updated with Galaxy S20 camera features..... you better hope Dxomark.com doesn't update their review because the iPhone 11 pro would be even lower down the list
  15. Yes I do in public amongst people. In my own car by myself? no
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