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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You're not going to play anymore Platinum games or Nintendo games?
  2. His precious Xbox has a component that's worse the competition. Death to all infidels
  3. No we get it. You think we won't need a faster SSD until Xbox gets one. You also think this peak is static anr won't increase over time. Yes we know.... you're retarded
  4. and yet you pulled what you think is the peak out your ass...... don't be mad at me... be mad yourself for countering your own points
  5. Bro was literally making counter points against his own arguments
  6. You're telling him the peak he created is BS (he didn't create a peak)..... meanwhile your entire argument is built around a peak you made up in your head
  7. Dem LemiJ is thirsty for Nintendo games
  8. You claim you didn't say it... and then you said it again
  9. Wait you think it only has to do with how far you can see?
  10. looks at the thread title, looks at the OP. Stop Projecting your butthurt bro.
  11. No its not retard. You actually had think the SSD bandwidth would be maxed for a tech demo pre launch? Pfft As the gen goes on and the amount bandwidth needed for games WILL INCREASE as games worlds get more and more complex.
  12. Keep telling yourself that LemiJ You keep displaying your Lemming tendencies... over and over and over bro
  13. aaaaaaand Right on cue. Slow Jonny get embarrassed and sticks his head in the sand like the dip shit he is.... His slow Ass didn't realize the time stamps owned his ass
  14. GD response was satire... tell me that didn't fly over your head too Lemmings What's so hard for you to understand LemiJ?
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