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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You quoted first in this thread Dumbo Hey slow Jonny... there are these things called time stamps. I posted in that thread before you made that comment that I didn't post in it. Meanwhile you're still running from the Xbox thread
  2. You're straight up lying now bro You can't quit your job "just because" and get unemployment. People who are unemployment during Covid19 lost their jobs through no fault of their own. So they get unemployment insurance that they PAID INTO. It's an insurance that you pay into. Stop pushing false right wing BS that you can just not have a job because you don't want to and get unemployment insurance.
  3. You're the one who quoted me first in this thread Dumbo
  4. It's their first self published and self funding effort. They don't have the luxury of a big publisher bank rolling costs to put more money in it to optimize the remaster. With that said, the funds they Kickstarted that were beyond the original funding goals should have all went to optimization, hopefully pony up the $$ and fix it.
  5. I post in Xbox, Nintendo and Sony threads. You avoid Xbox1 threads and post a million times in Nintendo and Sony threads
  6. lemmings spend more time posting in Nintendo and Sony game thread than actually posting in MS related threads
  7. You can't get unemployment if you quit your job
  8. "Lemmings, honest question, what Xbox One releases are you looking forward to over the next 2-3 months?" What's that you're saying LemiJ?
  9. The Switch is saving the videogame industry from falling off the cliff....
  10. Another DC or Marvel Movie? Another James Bond? Another Star Wars?
  11. Wait you think the Mario IP makes it the same genre? This coming from the guy that was trying to say that let's go Pokémon evee and Pikachu are different games.... is now saying that actual different games in different genres are the same. A fighting game, a racer, a platformer and a RPG.... are all the same games in the same genre
  12. Mario RPG is a separate franchise you retard. It's an RPG... its not a platformer, it's not a racer, it's not a party game... it's an RPG. You said they're recycled and ran out of ideas. So now that we're asking you how many Paper Mario RPG games have there been in 20 years, your dumbass takes that as a moving the goal post?
  13. You don't even know what that means because you're using it wrong
  14. How many Console Mario RPG games have been released in 20 years?
  15. Again you can't be this stupid You do know that billions have been spent trying to find a cure for for cancer and there is still cancer research going on to this day. If Cancer was contagious, given the stupidity lf people like you and the people who think the stay at home was overblown and is a hoax. We would all be dead or dying. Thank the heavens Cancer is not contagious. Comparing a non contagious disease to a very contagious virus is beyond stupid.
  16. This is DynamiteCop. He wouldn't know what self awareness is if it slapped him in the face
  17. That's the reason for the stay at home orders genius. It's a new virus that is very contagious with no current treatment for it. A car accident is not contagious Einstein.
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