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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Mr. YouTube Easily duped Ramza strikes again Here’s the full clip. Tucker said" your concerned about tanks in Ukraine, that they don't have enough tanks" ... Pence responded that's not my concern See this is what happens when you get your news from YouTube clips you easily duped simpleton
  2. Context matters dipshit. Given Putin's history of breaking agreements and his invading a sovereign nation unprovoked... Literally proves the need for NATO.
  3. When did Pence say such a thing?
  4. The world wide inflation is a result of the global pandemic genius and as I said it's decreasing down month by month. Wait so you think the sanctions are hurting the west but has zero effect on Russia? You live in opposite world or something Can you fucking read? I said that was his top merc, didn't say it was the Russian army.... But he was the 2nd major player of the Russian forces, Putin of course is the top dog. To act as if the attempted coup and subsequent killing of the wagner groups leader is not indicative of the infighting... Then you're more delusional t
  5. Putin will pinky swear and the deal is good as done.. Seeing that he is a man of his word and all.
  6. You were talking about America's support of Ukraine not Canada's..... Saying we as if you're American...delusional fuck Again where are you getting that information from that the Russian GDP increased? The Kremlin and Random YouTube vids are credible sources. The inflation rate in the west in DECREASING month by month while Russia's increase. The top supporter of the Ukraine war (America) has the lowest inflation rate of the entire G7 Can you read? I said attempted coup... The Russian Army is literally infighting... Putin top Merc came out and sai
  7. What's with you and cooke with this "we" thing when you're talking about America? You're not American you delusional fuck Who told you the Russian GDP increased the Kremlin? Lol Russian oil exports went from 33% of Europe down to 6%.... I know these pesky facts have a way shitting on your narrative Yevgeny saw the writing on the wall, why do you think he attempted the coup? He couldn't stand to see his mother Russia being depleted for a useless war. "You better kill me, but I won't lie. I have to be honest, Russia is on the brink of
  8. It's not going to bankrupt small companies. When the rule is approved it won't go into effect for 3 to 4 years and then most times companies get another 2 year extension to implement it. All in all will take 5 - 6 years before companies have to make the fan more efficient. I know the right wing media made you think if it's approved today then by tomorrow companies have to scramble to make the fans more efficient and your easily duped ass fell for it as usual... Hook line and sinker
  9. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, it's their choice to defend themselves or surrender. They chose to defend themselves. What about Russia? They're loosing 10s of thousands of men, economy is crashing, inflation is through the roof, their oil export to Europe is dried up etc. How come you're not suggesting that they retreat?
  10. What exactly is happening? It's an energy efficient appliance rule applied to ceiling fans dipshit.... That's not a ban you easily duped idiot Your TV, fridge, microwave, washer and dryer and other house hold appliances all are under energy efficient standards.... And are energy efficient appliances and have been for decades ...I guess you are outaged about that too lmfao The point I made was in 2020 when the bill passed the far right didn't make a fake outage about it because energy efficient rules being applied to house hold applian
  11. Just like I said two posts ago and right on cue "Another fake outage story to rile up the simpletons" These clowns are getting riled up about energy efficient appliances lmfao. In 2019 to 2020 when congress passed the H.R.5758 - Ceiling Fan Improvement Act of 2020. This bill revises the energy conservation standard for ceiling fans. Specifically, it sets forth energy efficiency standards for electricity used by large-diameter ceiling fans manufactured on or after January 21, 2020. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congre
  12. Yea a dodge... The GOP senate was part of Hilary's campaign or nah? "A GOP-led Senate panel released a report Tuesday that details extensive contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian intelligence in 2016." The Trump campaign's interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a "grave" counterintelligence threat, a Senate panel concluded Tuesday as it detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin's help. The nearly 1,000-page rep
  13. Sorry was that a dodge after you claimed the the whole Russia thing was a lie?
  14. You're like a broken retarded record. No one, I repeat no one is against a negotiated end to the conflict. What your retarded ass doesn't understand that is Ukraine surrendering 1/3 of its sovereign nation is not a negotiable end to the conflict.
  15. Little innocent Russia leave Putin alone... I can't believe in 2023 your dumbass is still saying the Russia collusion was a lie. Bar and the DOJ CHOSE not to indict a sitting president (Trump) for him and his campaign EXTENSIVE contacts with Russian intelligence. But let's not pretend it was a lie now shall we The Republican lead FBI, The Republican lead special council and the Republican lead senate committee all said that Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia. "A GOP-led Senate panel released a report
  16. That's your personal preference. Other people's preference is not having to Tinker with every single game you purchased to get an acceptable performance. But Alas we weren't talking about personal preference.. We were talking about objectively bad ports.
  17. Ok..we can agree there.. My post was more about the frequency of the bad ports on PC vs the frequency of bad ports on consoles. Obviously with PC if you have a super rig you can brute force through (unless it's actual bugs)... And obviously with PC you can get vastly superior experience than consoles. But that's no excuse for developers to no optimize the PC version.
  18. The Sony ports that come years later and have a dedicated team specifically to port those games weren't the games I was referring to... Nice convenient cheery pick.... But even those aren't immune and has stinker PC ports from time to time Let's stop pretending that for the last two to three years PC hasn't been getting bad ports of multiplats. This article from PC gamer this year encapsulates the recent frustrations of PC gamers. PC gamer - https://www.pcgamer.com/pc-gamers-really-fed-up-with-one-bad-pc-port-after-another-2023/ PC game
  19. They're indicting him, his lawyers and the fake electors too. And one by one they're starting to flip on him in an effort to avoid jail time
  20. Bumpity bump. Trunp, his lawyers and all the fake electors have been charged. One by one the fake electors are starting to flip on Trump.
  21. Of course he is a grifter that has been milking his base for 7 years now.
  22. I didn't agree with Twinblade's other point about the AI up scalers making developers lazy.... "Those lazy" devs would be lazy with or without the up scalers. The up scalers allow Devs to push more out of the machine and still end up with a great looking image.
  23. 1) The sanctions are the long game not the short game. It's long term effect is already kicking in and will get worse for Russia over time. "The U.S. surpassed Russia as the top oil supplier to Europe at the end of last year as sanctions targeting Russia’s energy sector took hold." Russia used to supply 1/3 (33%) of Europe's oil as of Dec 22 it's down to 6%. The effects of this will be felts through 2023 and beyond. 2) Their currency is tanking month by month as their inflation continues to spike. " The Central Bank of Ru
  24. While console ports are also unoptimized from time to time.... Its not on the same level of frequency as the amount of PC ports that were unoptimized. "2022 was a dire year for PC ports.... I was almost broken as a reviewer for DF" And then 2023 didn't start of too hot either for PC ports. DF - "2022 and now 2023 have been rough years for AAA game release quality, with many games releasing in an unfinished, broken state - particularly on PC." https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2023-flawed-pc-po
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