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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Nintendo has won a gen since Xbox launched. Sony has one two gens since Xbox launched. Xbox has never won a single gen
  2. Ahh that moving goal post after he realizes he ran into a brick wall How much do you give?
  3. Yes I make over 100K and Drive a BMW... about to get a X4 or X5 soon No I'm not a single male, I have a son and just bought a new house. Yes I do give back. I recently did a back to school drive and bought books and school supplies for lower income families from my own funds + funds I raised. anything else numb nuts? oh and what have you done or given back to society.... besides purchasing 10 new iPhones in 10 years
  4. I agree with LemiJ though.... Xbox sales amount to a rounding error. Xbox was a mistake
  5. New expanded Story mode + additional characters.
  6. Bbbut Im not a lemming he said ... he then rushes in to Damage control for Xbox
  7. you sound like a child.. anyone who has any type of responsibilities knows 40K is no where close to being rich
  8. Bbbut I got the entire context of the game from some leaks
  9. "Microsoft has done its best to try and downplay the need to outsell Sony in the future, namely because they’ve never actually done it." "Microsoft has been content to let there stop being anything resembling a true “Xbox exclusive” now, as all of its first party games are released simultaneously on PC" Damn, this article went directly for the lemming's jugular
  10. The Switch number is higher than that, Nintendo is releasing the updated numbers tomorrow
  11. Your bill is higher every month.... you're still paying for the phones through a lease brah
  12. I have a Galaxy S10.... I stopped upgrading my phone every year since the Galaxy SII a million years ago. Phones are very powerful now and the yearly upgrade have are so incremental it's a waste of money to upgrade yearly. I wait until the ita a substantial jump and then I get that model. I went from a GSII to a GS4 to a GS6 then a 4 year Gap to a GS10. 5 phones in a 10 year time frame. Some idiots would have had 10 phones within that Sametime... yikes
  13. Love my GS10 Apple started putting their software on Samsung devices.... Apple music popped up on my Samsung smart TV. Apple is third party now
  14. Know a few people that died. I know a few coworkers that have it. Know people in my personal life that also have it. Know of family members of Friends that have it and or died from it.
  15. Post me one link where Benji lied about sales? I'll wait
  16. this slow motherfucker still can't read
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