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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Slow Jonny was looking forward to this shit. "Xbox has the most diverse lineup in gaming"
  2. That patch basically addresses everything wrong with the game. Will be interesting to see how it runs post patch.
  3. It's a legit concern to have Givin your smoking history.
  4. because he talked shit about Xbox? Damn bro you're that Triggered?
  5. The punishment doesn't fit the crime dumbass. Like I said you cannot be this dumb.
  6. Bro you cannot be this dumb. Are these bombs blowing up in a Vacuum? Tell me which law has 100% compliance? In states and and countries with death penalties people still commit crimes knowing they will be put to death. But you think no knw would actually be killed by your land mines along the Canadian and Mexican border?
  7. Exactly, every nation has border enforcement. But landmines as border enforcement? that's just sick.
  8. You're asking me if I'm retarded but you're the one who wants to put mines at the Mexican and Canadian border
  9. Bombs all along the Canadian Border and The Mexican border. American getting blown up, Canadians getting blown up, Texans getting blown up, Mexicans getting blown up. You should run for some sort of public office. Great Plan.
  10. Yes... but them bombs at the border... Kill all. those Americans sneaking into Canada... Kill em all. Great Plan
  11. If you're passing a federal law it applies to all borders People sneak through the Canadian Border all the time bro. Place your mines there too and blow them Canadians up. From January 2017 to March 2018, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police intercepted 25,645 people crossing the border into Canada illegally. Canada should put mines at their border too, blow up all those Americans sneaking into Canada. Great Plan Bro.
  12. Apparently all those movies with climate change in it and or rape are somehow propaganda movies
  13. So are you setting up this mines at the Canadian Border too?
  14. You set the bombs with the intention to blow people up, you blew them up bro
  15. Blowing up people is not enforcing the law
  16. Man you get triggered so easily over dumb shit. Remember when you thought the next bond was a black woman... which turned out to be false and when you lost your shit immediately over a scene in gears 5....then only minutes later realized the context and how dumb you looked for overeating.... Stay triggered bro
  17. Im sure if the PS5 logo thread or the Switch logo thread is pulled up we would find you talking shit in there too. Grow a pair and stop acting bitch made.
  18. The PC is the best version bro. Switch is the best console version though
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