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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Fox and Friends of all places spitting facts against Viveks Pro Russia, Ukraine should surrender bullshit. Even Fox is finally waking up and seeing that the current approach taken by the Biden administration was the best approach. Not a single drop of American blood spilled and Russia is self imploding with the attempted military coup and now Putin allegedly taking out the leader of his top mercenary group.
  2. A year is not a long time when you supported him for 6 years.
  3. Only works with Sony's proprietary headphones? And no Bluetooth? Wtf?
  4. Was just about to post this, can't trust those Korean trailers.
  5. No one in this thread posted any Twitter posts about this matter.. You're reaching hard What the mainstream news reported was that the plan crashed, and showed the videos and pin pointed that the crash did not look "normal" and foul play maybe in play. (explosion or anti air) Russian state television said from the jump that there was no fowl play and it was simply a crash. As I said in my intial post both you and Cooke would come in here believing Russian state tv. And here you are half stepping Bbbut let's give Vladimir the benefit of
  6. Just like I thought you only read headlines Official confirmed statements by Russia? Have you just started following Russia? Has Putin ever admitted to killing his detractors? Nope.. But they all seem to fall out a window and die, fall down some stairs and die, or get poisoned and now it's just an "innocent crash" of his latest detractor. Lmfao A preliminary U.S. intelligence assessment has found that the plane crash presumed to have killed Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was intentionally caused by an explosion, according
  7. First off who is we? Motherfucker you're not American 2nd off all.... Twinblade suffering from Hillary rot?? Twinblade of all people?? Twinblade was a Trump supporter his entire presidency (not anymore) , he initially supported desantis, vivik, Mike Pence etc.... I believe he is supporting Chris Christy now. Point is he is a republican through and through. He is against Hillary more than you are against Biden. And last but not least... Russia's own actions is what put them where they are, Russia's own actions
  8. Don't run from your words now. "What should have happened during the Obama years was building a relationship with Russia, not making them the boogyman" Innocent Russia was made out to be a boogeyman
  9. Russia is just an innocent little bystander that America made the boogyman, it's all America's fault for Russia's actions........
  10. Mr YouTube video himself Did you take the time to actually watch the videos or you just read the headlines?
  11. No a simple crash is not what most news channels reported. That's not strange it's a called catching Pregozhin by surprise.
  12. Russia is claiming the plane "just crashed". "Mercenary chief who staged mutiny in Russia is listed as a passenger on a plane that crashed, state media says" I expect Cooke and Ramza to believe this version of the story
  13. Easily duped Cooke strikes again Full clip seen Below.
  14. I have to ask again, why are you so clueless about everything? No.... Your initial premise is incorrect, I never said the government can't do more.... Im saying they're already doing "more" for Maui... They're already doing more than enough for Maui and Maui will get federal funding for the recovery efforts for a very very long time and all. Those millions of dollars and possibly billions over time will be coming through FEMA. Ukraine is not getting billions of liquid cash you dense clown. They're getting only our 3rd class military equipment and
  15. Why are you so clueless about everything? Lmfao FEMA aid for disasters aren't related to military aid/funding dipshit. They don't impact each other. Maui is getting FEMA aid for every person affected by the fire. Plus Maui will get FEMA aid for as long as it takes the area to recover from the disaster. I thought you concerned about the loss of life in war "how many lives with it cost for freedom?" Now it's about the military budget? Lol
  16. Lemmings are potentially getting one AAA banger after a decade and they don't know how to act
  17. And Wifi doesn't scramble your brain.... Oh and 5G didn't cause covid.
  18. Imma write this paragraphs long fan fic that'll show him
  19. Top #5 in the biggest market during the game's 2nd NPD month . LemiJ "Bbbut it fell off bad" delusional fuck
  20. Slow Jonny writing fan fiction and shit
  21. I should ask you that because I already told you I don't give a shit about your go around with Jehurey with D4. Yet you keep bringing up D4 lol. Top 5 in the biggest market is not "falling off so bad" no matter how much you want to spin it
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