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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. X only lasted 2yrs and 4 months, zero launch bangers, Zero Exclusives.... useless
  2. $500 Well spent... what a trash of a useless console the X was
  3. Switch is region free. Create a European Account and enjoy the crazy sales.
  4. You have the Surface pro 6 or 7?
  5. if you have a European account (which is easy to make) the sale is bonkers Edit* How's the crash Trilogy remake? thinking of copping that and or the Crash Kart remake. Both are like $12 or some shit.
  6. and Ori 2 still stutters and hangs on Xbox1s and X
  7. You and your delusions, people don't want a one X now..... why would they want one then? Make it back on what back end? MS gaming and services currently aren't lighting the world on fire. Only way to make it up to sell software or have millions upon millions subscribe. MS still hasn't shown they have the software to pull that off as yet
  8. Scoop some games you missed out on while the sale is live bros.
  9. It's not weeks if it's a engine that has not been on that system before. That takes longer. Subsequent games (with the same engine) on the system will take a shorter time to port. As far as Doom they took Panic Button off the Switch version to help finish the PS4, Xbox and PC versions.
  10. WTF are you talking about? Post a link or a source for some context please. *update* found the link to the Nvidia presentation https://developer.nvidia.com/gtc/2020/video/s22697
  11. They knew it was BS that's why his post had a huge qualifier in the beginning so when he gets called out he can say the same shit you're saying now....... but by then you would have people who won't see the follow up and believe the intial story. You believed it with your gullible lemming ass
  12. Remij - "bbbbbut I didn't believe it guys,bbbbbut it's not my source... bbbbbut I was just reposting fake news and saying they're legitimate but I didn't believe it... trust me"
  13. That's what lemmings hope for and that's why those two Windows central Journalists were spreading this..... in the hope to spread misinformation and slow down PlayStation's momentum going into next gen. LemiJ - "They're credible"
  14. What was that you're saying LemiJ? The guy who pulled the "My dad used to work for Sony" is legit?
  15. LemiJ "My dad worked for them situation is dire, they're about to run out of money" Lemming Fantasies. Dumbfuck cop - "Seems legit"
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