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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The US numbers for software is several magnitudes greater than that of Europe. Top 5 in the US holds more weight
  2. Don't care about your Diablo 4 go around with Jehurey. I'm responding to specifically your ascertain that UK and US % splits are the same and that somehow Top 5 in the biggest market is bad.
  3. The UK % splits vary greatly for multiplats compared to the US splits. Top 5 in the biggest market.. Spin it all you want
  4. The splits are based on the numbers dipshit and no the UK splits aren't generally close for UK and the US. Two different markets with different trends for software splits. Lmfao at you trying to spin a top 5 hold in the biggest market as a bad result.
  5. Sloooooowwww Jonny is still fuming.... Paragraphs upon paragraphs and yet still no answer
  6. You posted all of this and still can't say which current games you're talking about.....because they don't exist You love to talk out your ass but get upset when someone asks you to back it up. Look how mad you got because of that, writing paragraphs and shit
  7. Slow Jonny - "How dare you ask me to back up what I said. Why are you like this?"
  8. It will take Sloooooowwww Jonny a while to catch up
  9. So name them slow Jonny, should be easy.
  10. Slow Jonny just discovered two things can be true at the same time What current Rockstar games would that be?
  11. July NPD, FF16 is in the top 5 Just read the thread and realized that LemiJ pulled out DynamiteCop's old talking points of using UK numbers to base what the US numbers would be lmfao
  12. Pulling numbers out your ass?
  13. They're doing just fine without giving a shit about PC.
  14. Rockstar don't care about PC
  15. Here are two solutions... Either do an actual remaster or do a full remake....release on Switch, PS4/5 and Xbox. Lemmings can't cry because this version would be better than BC.
  16. James woods who was an avid supporter of Musk finally realizes that they've all (MAGA) been had and that Musk hast been full of shit this all the time.
  17. Im convinced your dumbass doesn't actually read responses. I literally posted something from 10 years ago and you still believe it's new information "Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016" Cooke - Bbbut it was a secrets I swear 10 years ago - "And the fundamental q
  18. AKA you're clueless as always
  19. Cooke and Co are 10 years late... These aren't secret emails... And Congress already has access to all these emails. Comer is asking for emails he already has, and acting as if congress didn't know that the white house officials had seperate office emails from the publicity known email addresses. All show for the easily duped Literally 10 years ago in 2013 - "And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included." "Let's be clear —
  20. You're expecting Switch 2 to be in the same ball park as Switch 1. You're more delusional than Mack
  21. Slightly more powerful than a steam deck due to efficency gains, but yes in that ball park. Anyone expecting Xbox series S level is delusional. Anyone expecting PS3/360 level for Switch 2 is even more delusional because that would make it much weaker than Switch 1.... Lol Sugarhigh lol
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