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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Lemmings suffer from both battered wife and persecution complex syndrome. They've been beaten down soo long they forgot what's it's like to have a AAA banger, they're in denial that it's MS fault.. So they blame everyone else for the abuse else but the abuser
  2. Hey Republicans, how about actually coming up with legislation? Republicans - "Nah we will just hype of more culture war BS" Ted cruz wants to investigate bud light because a Tranny drank some beer on the internet This is literally the Republican message for 2024....culture war Bullshit.
  3. You've been a Sloooooowwww ass motherfucker for over 15 years "GN must have went hunting and searching for that information that LTT posted... Yea that's it" - Sloooooowwww Jonny
  4. When someone displays a pattern of behavior you don't have to go searching dumbo, they will show you for themselves. I know that's mind blowing for you Sloooooowwww Jonny
  5. Musk is back to banning/locking media people out of accessing X/Twitter if they're "overly critical" of him. @Cooke bbbbut Musk is a Bastian of free speech am I right?
  6. So your dumbass does think that means same exact You made a claim a while back saying EA wouldn't make a brand new game.... And they did just that.... The end
  7. Series S is always on fire sale and Xbox still sees record declines... Yikes.
  8. Of course this would be slow Jonny's take on this. Its unfathomable to him that people actually remember shit and call out the BS. That MUST MEAN that GN went hunting for gotchas... That's the only explanation. Never change Sloooooowwww Jonny.
  9. Goukosan

    This sucks..

    Sooo you still didn't know what you were talking about as usual...
  10. Goukosan

    This sucks..

    Surprise Surprise... Cooke didn't know what he was talking about... Shocker!!!
  11. Goukosan

    This sucks..

    You have to excuse Cooke... He is not too smart. Using w documentary as evidence
  12. Paging @Ramza to back up his claims. Tik Tok Tik Tok.. Times a wasting.
  13. Goukosan

    This sucks..

    I second this motion of Cooke providing some actual evidence of wind farms being the cause of this.
  14. The house Republicans who called for the special counsel... Are now back peddling because a special counsel was appointed... Bbbut we didn't actually want a special counsel appointed to investigate Hunter They have just realized two things. 1) All the BS narratives they were pushing, where they had zero tangible evidence will be exposed as lies. Unlike social media, they will now have to actually back up their BS with facts. 2) This now inadvertently puts a spotlight on Jared Kushner's international Business dealings as a member of Trum
  15. @Cooke The back peddling from the right has begun... They requested a special counsel and now that they got the request... They're back peddling Bbbbbbut we didn't want a special counsel It's to the point that they're claiming they never said Joe Biden was getting money from the Hunter's businesses. Republicans just realized now with the special counsel only the facts will be investigated and all the bullshit they claimed will again be exposed for being bullshit. They are so s
  16. 1/2 to 3/4 of this I never believed or posted on the other 1/2 or 1/4 these that I actually posted on are actually true, have actual tangible evidence, were proven in court and or people are serving time for those crimes. Bbbbbbut it's still not true
  17. Easily duped Cooke .... How is it that when it's time to present the actual FACTS in court or at a hearing... None of the conspiracy theories and fake shit you must posted ever gets proven true?
  18. Republicans made this a closed door hearing and then lied about what Devon actually said... Lmfao And last but not least the #3 republican on the hearing walking out from the hearing looking defeated after Devon's testimony didn't match republican fantasies Comer and Jim Jordan also walked out mid hearing once Devon confirmed Biden didn't discuss business.... Lmfao.
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