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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. % of games being developed for Switch has INCREASED for 2020 Just noticed your 7th gen console comment. All gen your Damage control was that Switch is 9th gen...... now you're saying it's 7th gen? Anything for you to deny reality that Switch is a current gen system... lol
  2. I get all that. But you had people expecting Max Res + Max 60fps for all. games next gen. That is simply not happening.
  3. and it says right there they would prefer higher frame rates over a larger resolution. One has to give. So the 60fps games won't be Max resolution (depending on the type of game of course)
  4. Switch October: 309,000 November: 1,428,000 December: 2,036,000 3.75 Million PS4 October: 144,000 November: 1,258,000 December: 646,000 1.99 Million XB1 October: 108,000 November: 844,000 December: 856,000 1.808 Million Updated* YTD 2019 Rounded to the nearest 10K NSW: 6.5M PS4: 3.87M XB1: 3.05M
  5. Bbbut I swearz I have you on ignore . You got caught slipping.... go back to pretending punk
  6. Thought you had me blocked? You can't keep up the act huh?
  7. Dragon Quest 11 S is truly an accomplishment on the Nintendo Switch. Its the full Console Experience on the go and the updates to Unreal Engine 4 specifically for Switch paid off in spades...... Great Job Square-Enix for waiting for the update and not rushing the game and Epic for optimizing Unreal 4 for Switch. The next batch for Unreal 4 games on Switch should be marvelous
  8. I remember when @DynamiteCop! said the Switch version won't run on ID Tech 7. The developer just said optimizations from the Switch version of Doom Eternal are being included by panic button (the developer of the Switch version) into the PS4 and Xbox1. Only downside is because Panic Button are assisting in those versions as well, the Switch version is delayed a bit.
  9. That's games made for Pro. You are taking it literally as enhanced games. The devs are talking about making games for the system. The data chart says "PS4/Pro"...it's referring to all games made for the system. Which by default PS4/Pro gets more games.
  10. Hey Retard.... there are more games made for PS4 Pro than for X in general. A game that on pro but not on X ia counted numb nuts.
  11. You've been begging for this port for almost 3 years... lol
  12. The reverse cliff where it passed Xbox1's 6 year total in 2 years and 9 months
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