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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. PC games for some reason tend to get waaaay less coverage than console games. The PS5 version will have a ton of reviews day one and I'm not even talking about fanboy sites. This has been out a week and only a handful of reviews? Why do PC games get less coverage?.. No bait.. Serious question.. What's your insight?
  2. The DOJ got access to the real Twitter files... Elon tried to block it and got fined 350K + additional daily fines for delaying complying to the legal warrant.
  3. The PS2 era was significantly bigger than the 80s and 90s..yet we don't factor that to disqualify the PS2 as the best selling ever. Let's look at software sales PS2 has 4 games that sold over 10 million units. The Switch has 4 games that sold over 30 million units, 9 games that sold over 20 million and 19 that have sold over 10 million (and counting). When it's all said and done Switch will take the crown from PS2.
  4. Correct, it was less than two years most places... And PSP and PS3 were supposed to launch the same year.
  5. Look at those paragraphs because I hit a nerve. So you did choose to fuck Xbox instead of your wife.... Pathetic
  6. You have to resort to making shit up... Meanwhile.. Your wife really left you because of Xbox IRL... Sad..
  7. Didn't your wife leave you because you spent more time with Xbox than her? Did you fuck your Xbox?
  8. Success Mindshare wise im referring to, not profits wise... That battle was lost already. "Semi Success" would have come from them pumping more money into it.. Which they weren't willing to do. Example - all the profits Sony made from PS1 and Ps2 were lost on PS3.... PS3 was struggling and Sony was willing to lose all their profits turned PS3 around to have a semi successful run and they entered the PS4 gen with momentum and the rest is history. Wiiu - Wiiu was a dreamcast like failure and like Sega Nintendo bailed on Wiiu... but they willing to ta
  9. AKA they weren't willing to lose more money to stay in the fight.
  10. Sega threw in the towel prematurely, they weren't willing to lose more money to stay in thw fight. DC could have had a semi successful run.
  11. Can't help it that you have terrible taste... Even in year 7 Switch has the best game of 2023
  12. Nah you're salty Switch dominated commercially and critically with Banger after Banger
  13. Who does this remind you of? Look at how mad he got when he was asked to provide evidence
  14. You do understand direct doesn't mean exact right?
  15. While you still wait for Rockstar to throw PC a bone
  16. That hurt from no PC version all these years later. Rockstar didn't even throw a pity bone... Damn
  17. Wipe your tears up chump, the PC version is coming soon, right after Bloodborne PC.
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