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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. that would be time used since you last were at 100%
  2. Devalues your Next gen console.... same thing GP is doing. Devalues MS first party games. These two programs only work if you have a constant stream of great games. Unfortunately MS doesn't have that constant stream of 1st content.
  3. Remember the lay-away program MS tested our last year, the one that slow Jonny and Autistic Cop thought would push Xbox1 to the top... well it's back. This is the hardware version of hobo pass.... What way to devalue your next gen system a year before launch MS.
  4. You're back to using your anecdotes to equal the entire market? lmfao. PS4 games were already outselling Xbox1 games waaaay before GP.... using GP as an excuse is laughable at best.
  5. We don't call him slow Jonny for nothing
  6. It's a SW/SS inside running joke.... making fun of the lemmings. Thank your lemming brothers for coining the phrase when they used to Hype MS exclusives on Xbox1
  7. Jeez... another Switch Banger Switch keeps pumping out Banger after Banger after Banger
  8. He got totally destroyed in that Twitter thread. and this post basically invalidates his point.
  9. Has the books gotten to this point as yet?
  10. LMFAOOOO .... How delusional are you? DynamiteCop owned as always
  11. I can download it, redownload it and play at Max if I wanted to. on your brand new IPhone pro max you can't play it on max even if you wanted Yup lack of app support on IPhone...... You were saying?
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